Rich, You guessed it -- it’s time for another FEC - TopicsExpress


Rich, You guessed it -- it’s time for another FEC fundraising deadline. On June 30th, we close the books on our fundraising quarter, and we need to finish strong. It’s been a busy quarter for our campaign. We opened new offices, travelled all over Virginia for our Working Together Tour, and put out our first two television ads - positive ads talking about the great work Senator Warner is doing to create jobs and make sure every Virginian has a fair shot at success. Meanwhile, the other side nominated our opponent -- a self-described partisan warrior who was a chief lobbyist for Enron. But given his partnership with Karl Rove and others, we know he is raising tons of money from special interests. We need this week to be our biggest yet for Senator Warner. We have to raise another $50,000 from our grassroots supporters before June 30th. Will you pitch $7 in today? Contribute now Your contribution now will allow us to keep our momentum going through the summer. You can ensure we keep our offices humming, our volunteers energized, and our visibility on the ground growing across the Commonwealth. This deadline is huge for us. Everyone, including our opponent, will be looking to see if we finish strong. Let’s make sure we do. Please contribute today. Thanks, Jenny Nadicksbernd Finance Director
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 00:51:27 +0000

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