Richard Branson was quoted saying how business opportunities are - TopicsExpress


Richard Branson was quoted saying how business opportunities are like buses. Theres always another one coming. Weve all heard that ideas are a dime a dozen. The common trait between ideas and opportunities is that theyre worthless without action. #ArtofConnection Everyone of us is blessed with ideas and opportunities everyday, but very few of us actually take action. Sometime we feel that the idea its clear enough or the time isnt right. The reality is that our ideas will always be imperfact, and the time will never be right. Take action. If theres a special someone you feel you want to spend the rest of your life with, then go connect with their family. If you have an idea that may impact the lives of other people, go realize it. Whats the worse that could happen? The idea might fail, or you may get rejected. Granted, theres some discomfort associate with that. But, know that the lasting pain of regret is far greater than the temporary pain of failure and rejection. Keep moving forward. At least with failure and rejection, you can make corrections and try again. With regret, all you can do is wonder whether it would have counted for anything in this life or the next. But, youll never know because you never took action. For the longest time I had been wanting to make a video series for myself. But, I kept on procrastinating, wanting the quality of the presentation and content to be as technically pristine as the stuff as Ive done for clientele. However, after several years I realized Ive let my aspiration for being better keep me from even getting started. I found myself advising clientele that they should produce daily content for their work and that it doesnt have to be perfect or beautiful. Just that it should get started. But, I looked at myself and thought, Perhaps I should practice what I preach. Im almost 30-days in with this series, and if God wills Ill keep it going. The fact is that I got started. And, now I feel like its finally starting to capture some momentum. Im making tweaks along the way, the important thing is that action is being taken. Whats keeping you from acting on ideas and opportunities in front of you?
Posted on: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 16:04:52 +0000

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