Rick and I saw the film Son Of God last night. We went knowing - TopicsExpress


Rick and I saw the film Son Of God last night. We went knowing that it would not be perfect. It is true that we need to guard against false doctrine and to never allow any film, denomination or person to determine what we believe. This film is not meant to replace the truth of Gods Word. Each of us must, as Hank often says, mine the Bible for all its worth. For those who are lost, this film--without question--has much salt and light that God--in His mercy--has allowed it to have in spite of where it falls short. (It appears about 90% accurate.) The overwhelming strong message is true and points directly to Christ for salvation. The scene of Christ walking on water is riveting and is profoundly beautiful as are many of the scenes that brought tears to our eyes. Scripture is quoted almost non-stop; it is compelling and refreshing. Jesus said, For he who is not against us is for us. (Matt.9:40) To say that the film is good is not to put a broad stamp of approval on the Catholic church anymore than to appreciate the Ten Commandments film makes one approve of the Jews rejecting Jesus as Gods Son. I value the old film, The Ten Commandments even though it is clear that not everything is accurate in this film either. There is still salt and light given, by the mercy of God, and He has caused it to give glory to Him in spite of the men that made it. God is always working through both the saved and the unsaved to accomplish His purposes and His will. We have no righteousness of our own. All that is good and true comes from God alone. It grieves me that some who will not see this film will see a PG, PG13 or even an R rated film. They will watch shows on TV, or listen to songs that disrespect the Lord and yet they will scorn films like the Son Of God. My confidence is in knowing that God is in control! It is obvious He is using and will continue to use this film for His glory.
Posted on: Wed, 05 Mar 2014 22:20:20 +0000

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