Riddle of phone numbers for ‘friends’ he’d never - TopicsExpress


Riddle of phone numbers for ‘friends’ he’d never met Revealing an extraordinary network of power and influence, extending into the fields of politics, finance and showbusiness, Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘little black book’ showed just how important a man he had become. Yet when The Mail on Sunday contacted the people listed in the document, which was kept online, many said they had never met or even spoken to the disgraced financier. And they were appalled to discover he had their contact details, often including home and mobile telephone numbers. Lord Palumbo, the former Arts Council chairman and godfather to the Duke of York’s eldest daughter Beatrice, said: ‘I have never, never, met him. I am shocked I am in there. I am affronted. I don’t know him at all.’ Never heard of him: Toby Young pictured in his home office in west London Never heard of him: British billionaire and Virgin Galactic founder Sir Richard Branson Never heard of him: Both Toby Young (left) and Sir Richard Branson, were surprised to find themselves listed in a contacts books owned by Jeffrey Epstein Dame Gail Ronson, a charity fundraiser and wife of the multi-millionaire British developer Gerald Ronson, said: ‘I’ve never, ever, met him. I swear, you’ve completely gobsmacked me. It’s really distressing, horrible. ‘I lead a very private life so to find out you’re on this list, it’s very unsavoury.’ Her shock was echoed by the celebrity milliner Philip Treacy. ‘This sounds crazy, I’m amazed,’ he said. ‘I’m a hatmaker, I’ve never met Jeffrey Epstein and never had any reason to. I make hats. Does he look like the kind of person who would wear a hat? Bizarre.’ The ‘book’ also had numbers for the JCB tycoon Sir Anthony Bamford, but a spokesman insisted: ‘There doesn’t appear to be any connection. Sir Anthony doesn’t know Jeffrey Epstein.’ The journalist Toby Young, said: ‘I’ve never been within 100 yards of him and we move in completely separate worlds. If you said I was in Colonel Gaddafi’s Little Black Book I couldn’t be less surprised.’ There were also numbers for the influential Rothschild family, including Sir Evelyn de Rothschild and his daughter Hannah. Last night she said: ‘I have no idea why Mr Epstein would have my numbers as I don’t know him.’ A print-out of the contacts book came to light after it was subpoenaed for use in a civil case against the financier by one of the young girls he employed as a masseuse. The list included 16 numbers for Prince Andrew under his title The Duke of York. His ex-wife, Sarah Ferguson, was entered under the Duchess of York and there were 18 numbers for her and her associates as well as an email address. The ‘book’ also appeared to contain contacts of Epstein’s former girlfriend Ghislaine Maxwell, including her extended family, friends and brief acquaintances. One prominent journalist, who asked not to be named, was horrified to discover her parents’ details were listed. She said: ‘I knew Ghislaine once but that was more than 20 years ago. To be honest I find it really spooky.’ Artist Kate Stracher was also baffled by her inclusion. She said: ‘Ghislaine and I were at Oxford together but I haven’t seen her since. I’m not at all glamorous and not at all well-connected. I definitely shouldn’t be there.’ Others have had only the briefest of meetings. Philippe Amon, a Swiss industrialist, said: ‘I think I came across Epstein some years ago in New York but I honestly don’t think I would recognise him walking by in the street.’ A spokesman for Richard Branson said: ‘Jeffrey Epstein has the island next door to Necker but Richard has literally only met him once for about five minutes. That’s the extent of it.’ Those who clearly do have a connection are, perhaps unsurprisingly, less keen to talk about it. Lisa Walker is listed alongside her friend Caroline Stanbury, a former girlfriend of Prince Andrew. She said: ‘I met Epstein with Caroline.’ Asked if Prince Andrew was also present, Miss Walker said: ‘I wish I could help but I don’t think I should say any more.’ Read more: dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1365733/How-Prince-Andrew-shared-room-Epsteins-Caribbean-hideaway-busty-blonde-claimed-brain-surgeon.html#ixzz2dAawcNZR Follow us: @MailOnline on Twitter | DailyMail on Facebook
Posted on: Tue, 27 Aug 2013 11:57:30 +0000

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