Ridiculous American Conspiracy: Its just a little ole recent - TopicsExpress


Ridiculous American Conspiracy: Its just a little ole recent house fire, that reduced an entire mansion to embers, and no family member has been accounted for, (as if not one single family member throughout the entire sixteen thousand square foot spread, would have ever even sensed there was a fire, or smelled smoke, and had any time whatsoever, to get out of the little bitty shack.) The location and owner is of no real significance either, because the owner was just a CEO of a major cyber security corporation in Annapolis Maryland, where it just so happens the United States Naval Academy is seated...Cant possibly be anything connected here though, Im sure. Rest in peace John Pyle and family, I cant imagine why you, your wife and those precious grandchildren, could have all simultaneously and collectively not even known, that your cramped sixteen thousand square foot place, just mysteriously caught on fire, and all of the evidence, all of your bodies inclusive, become so thoroughly incinerated. What a mystery. There I go again connecting ridiculous dots within all these coincidences. Okay, lets brush this one away for now, Im sure there will be a sound explanation on the horizon. The Washington DC strategic, Naval Sea Systems Command, Naval Yard shooting was of, no real significance either though, Im certain. Nothing super important goes on there anyway. ...Neither was that Benghazi, Libya fiasco of much significance. Same for that one single, outdated, overloaded, slow moving Chinook, shot down right out of the sky in the Tangi valley of Afghanistan, with no cover support or decoys, coincidentally packed chock full of course, with strategic, high value, elite trained, human targets. ...Or that lady with vital data on Baracks birth cert, falling from the sky. Or those silly baseless claims that there were multiple persons in possession of free scale, semi conductor, aeronautical cloaking warfare technologies, on board that Malaysian MH370 flight, which just vanished. And that Sandy Hook shooting with all those crisis actors, who are still alive. That Boston bombing with the fake smoke bomb and fake blood stains. Oh, but dont dare question any of it, and insult the fake, acting families. Dont question the fact that most of the media is owned and controlled. Dont you dare question anything American. Guess were just a nation of continual, nonstop, chronological, deadly flippin mysteries and false flag operations; ...Ever since the American election of 08 that is. Lets get back to some more, tangible and proven facts here. I see and hear the fella that was elected, this Barack Hussein, coincidentally a Muslim name, continually defending, again, coincidentally, the cause and plight of Islamic Muslim Jihad. I see and hear him state on camera even, that when the political winds shift, hell stand with not the Americans, but in fact the Muslims. Ive been watching him also release enemy combatant Islamic terrorists, one right after the other. Im hearing our American made weaponry, keeps somehow, mysteriously, landing in the hands of enemy Muslim terrorists who hate America. Im hearing they are expanding and increasing in knowledge of high tech American munitions ordnance. Im hearing some have even received American F-16 fighter jets. Im watching this Barack, appoint all these Muslim Czars to positions of governance, that have never existed before. In fact, there is an Iranian Muslim named Valerie Jarrett, who has been appointed as Senior Adviser. So many fact filled conspiracies. But none of it is really happening. People get abandoned and slaughtered overseas in the military, and high value civilian targets fall from the sky, or get incinerated, all the time right? Close your eyes. Ignore it all America. Post a selfie or two, and play some candy crush. Its all just a long, bad dream, that this Taylor guy, keeps making up. Hey America, one more thing here and maybe its just me but; Ive always thought that conspiracies, were not to be laced with so many nagging, remarkable facts. What are your ridiculous thoughts friend? What are your ridiculous, American conspiratorial tendencies?
Posted on: Tue, 20 Jan 2015 19:23:20 +0000

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