Right. It seems that certain people have got the idea that the - TopicsExpress


Right. It seems that certain people have got the idea that the Patriotic Socialist Party is some version of the National Front, BNP, Britain Farts or similar, and this is causing consternation, rightfully if it were true or even slightly accurate, in certain quarters. IT IS NOT A RACIST PARTY. IT DOES NOT ARGUE OR CAMPAIGN FOR REPATRIATION OF IMMIGRANTS. IT DOES NOT PURSUE ANY FORM OF BIGOTRY OR PREJUDICE WHATEVER. The website makes this clear, in the position and policies statement - but hey, lets not get bogged down in details eh? Or indeed let facts get in the way of a good story? The position is pretty simple to understand in fact, once the PREJUDICE and BIGOTRY of some is put aside, and the actual materials are considered. Does it need work? Is it a little idealistic perhaps? Yes, Id agree, but there is something there worth looking at, for a fractured society that needs to be brought back together for all. It is economically social democratic - yes, public ownership of strategic industries. It is green, recognising the importance of the environment. It is civic nationalist (like those other nazi parties, Plaid Cymru and the SNP!), seeking to bring the diverse peoples of the UK together - all of them, wherever they, or their forebears, come from. It seeks government in the public interest, a common cause, for the British people. Now, it is true that some members, particularly the younger ones, have perhaps unfortunate past associations - but to hold this against them now, when they have signed up to entirely different values than those with whom those associations might be tainted, is entirely un-British - by the same reasoning, there is no rehabilitation, and we may as well hang every convict as irredeemable. Equally, this same reasoning would hold that every Muslim is a terrorist, because every Muslim is associated in some way with those fighting for IS. How very Daily Mail of certain people. However, it seems that some will not listen anyway. Their minds are made up in a way that any prejudiced bigot would be proud of.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Nov 2014 16:40:40 +0000

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