Right Start The Patriot Post ([email protected]) - TopicsExpress


Right Start The Patriot Post ([email protected]) Newsletter FOUNDERS QUOTE DAILY Those who think themselves injured by their rulers are sometimes, by a mild and prudent answer, convinced of their error. But where complaining is a crime, hope becomes despair. --- Benjamin Franklin, Letter to Thomas Cushing, 1774 TODAYS TOP TEN FROM RIGHT HOOK God Is Optional The Air Force Academy is attempting to side-step Mikey Weinsteins complaint by suggesting the inclusion of so help me God in the Honor Code will be voluntary. We work to build a culture of dignity and respect, and that respect includes the ability of our cadets, Airmen and civilian Airmen to freely practice and exercise their religious preference -- or not, said Lt. Gen. Michelle D. Johnson, Academy Superintendent. So, in the spirit of respect, cadets may or may not choose to finish the Honor Oath with So help me God. But the fact is, in military and civilian oaths, so help me God is already elective, not mandatory. Fed Climate Spending Heats Up The Arctic is not ice-free, the oceans have not submerged our coastal cities and the earth is in fact cooling. Yet the federal government is spending twice as much money on programs devoted to tackling global warming than on securing our own borders. According to The Daily Caller, New estimates show the federal government will spend nearly twice as much fighting global warming this year than on U.S. border security. By years end, 18 -- yes, 18 different government agencies will have spent roughly $22.2 billion on various climate initiatives compared with just $12 billion allocated for border security. Theres a lot of talk about wasteful government spending. We can think of a good place to start cutting... BO Slams GOP Math Skills Barack Obama says that Congress needs to pass a budget that reflects our need to invest in our young people. He then chastised Republicans for their inability to properly budget. I know the budgets arent the most interesting topic for a Friday afternoon, even in a school where young people like math. And, by the way, I just sat in on a lesson called Real World Math, which got me thinking whether its too late to send Congress here, for a remedial course. Heres a remedial reminder for Mr. Obama: The federal deficit jumped from $10.6 trillion when BOs tenure began in 2009 to more than $17 trillion following the debt deal -- more than 60%. Compare that to Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton who increased the federal debt by 38% and 32% respectively during the same time periods in office. The buck stops ...somewhere other than BOs desk. Axelrod: You Can Keep It! Barack Obama and his NeoCom cadres repeated as often as they could that, If you like your plan, you can keep it. Former White House adviser David Axelrod modifed that promise in light of constant news that many people -- perhaps millions -- will not be able to keep their plans. Most people will get to keep their own plan, Axelrod claimed. The majority of people---the vast majority of people in this country -- are keeping their plan. True, even if 10 or 20 million people lose their plans, thats a far cry from the bill of goods Democrats tried and failed to sell in 2009 and 2010. BO Didnt Know? More details are surfacing regarding the NSAs alleged snooping on foreign leaders. However, the White House says Barack Obama didnt know about the eavesdropping until this summer, and once the program was disclosed, the president of the most transparent administration in history ordered the NSA to drop the practice. Or so officials say. The Wall Street Journal reports, The account suggests President Barack Obama went nearly five years not knowing his own spies were bugging the phones of world leaders. Officials said the NSA has so many eavesdropping operations under way, it wouldnt have been practical to brief him on all of them. Just like the IRS ostensbily didnt see fit to let Obama know that conservative organizations were being targeted. Some transparency! Solar Auction Not So Bright Barack Obama said that all those billions of dollars in renewable energy investments were necessary to rid the world of its addiction to fossil fuels. Evidently, the colossal failure of federally-backed corporations like Solyndra is still fresh in the minds of potential buyers. The Denver Business Journal reporter Cathy Proctor says, The nations first federally run auction for an opportunity to develop solar power projects on public lands was a bust. According to Bureau of Land Management spokeswoman Vanessa Lacayo, We did not have any bidders come to the sale and we did not receive any sealed bids on the sale. Not exactly a glowing example of green technology. Meanwhile, the future of Americas energy infrastructure is bright, yet Obama continues to stand in the way of its full potential. Hillarys Patriot Award Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton will receive the National Defense University Foundations American Patriot Award, reports the Washington Examiner. Of course, the committee bestowing the award is packed with Clintonistas like honorary co-chairs Madeleine Albright, Leon Panetta and Vernon Jordan, as well as leadership committee folks like major Democrat donor Bernard Schwarz, Bush v. Gore attorney David Boies and Clinton damage-control specialist Lanny Davis. Add this to the list of awards Hillary is collecting on her way to the Democrat presidential nomination for 2016. Good thing Benghazi is on her resumé too. Kirsten Gets Cancelled If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what. (Unless you are among tens of millions of Americans whose policies are being cancelled because they dont comply with ObamaCare mandates.) Liberal journalist Kirsten Powers, an advocate for Obama and his nationalized health care scheme, just found out her insurance will be cancelled, and a replacement policy will cost twice as much. I can get roughly the same insurance -- it is not completely clear. But itll go up from about $160 a month in a $2,500 deductible. If I want to keep a $2,500 deductible itll go up to about $300 per month. Reality is hard to take. The Democrat Strategy Heres the Demo strategic solution to ObamaCare sticker shock and employers moving full time employees to part-time in order to remain solvent. They will just raise the subsidies to make insurance more fair. They will lower the bar on what constitutes part-time employment. Clinton Is Right! Reviewing some Bill Clinton quotes, we came across one regarding solutions to the nations problems: There is nothing wrong with America that cannot be cured by what is right with America. However unintentional, Clinton is correct in that the nations ills can be cured by what is RIGHT! Semper Vigilo, Fortis, Paratus et Fidelis! Nate Jackson for The Patriot Post Editorial Team Join us in daily prayer for our Patriots in uniform -- Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen, Marines and Coast Guardsmen -- standing in harms way in defense of Liberty and for their families.
Posted on: Tue, 29 Oct 2013 13:35:17 +0000

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