Right here I go. 12 facts about my labour/s and pregnancy/s - TopicsExpress


Right here I go. 12 facts about my labour/s and pregnancy/s lol: 1. Levanis labour was the longest. After I had her, every time I looked at her for the first year, her name didnt pop into my mind but the number 36 did. Yep 36 hours of pain. 2. The reason why Levanis labour was so long was because I had an emergency C section with Khaedin and then they trialled this new invention on me to try help me have a natural birth. 3. I have had 2 C-sections, my first and my last child. 4. My last was a c-section because Mareko got stuck in my pelvis. 5. When I was pregnant with Khaedin I hated KFC. 6. My husband always shaved my legs for me before we have to go up to the hospital lol. 7. While pregnant with Levani I craved for Cadbury creme eggs and fruit platters and would make Ia get it for me no matter what time of the night it was. 8. Leikyn nearly died when she was born and 16 doctors rushed into the birth suite when she came out and while this happened my husband dropped straight to his knees and said a prayer for her while I screamed in fear. 9. I love being pampered while Im pregnant. 10. I wish I was pregnant again so I could keep getting pampered lol. 11. It was easy to drop the weight after the first 4 children but after that it was all down hill. 12. I prefer C-Sections. Like away mummies and Ill give you your number xox.
Posted on: Thu, 28 Nov 2013 12:45:27 +0000

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