Right now Im just an animal in PetCo. The First Gen, its like - TopicsExpress


Right now Im just an animal in PetCo. The First Gen, its like my family. Split. One side of the Wild, the other settled with this lifestyle. I cant seem to put a wrap around this. Where my mentality originated from, its so profound and shit. At least thats what Ive been told, If theres one lesson Im glad I learned before getting old. Never do what youre told, never listen to them if you know. Because your- my thoughts are fresh. An unwritten book that could not even be fathomed from the rest. Only the awake, and conscious could relate to this feeling inside my chest. Chasing all these aspirations, during time of inflation. You know its dedication. But right now. Im just an animal in PetCo. Born in captivity, put through the same molding process they do the others. Install the same repetitive thoughts inside your head. All those ideas, and potential now locked in your casket dead. Because you were comfortable of what was provided to you. The shelter, the food, the clothes, the love. Were told that we should show concern and know that we have it better than most. BUT, whats the point if you just look and no action. Thats a joke. I mean you may relate, but you havent lived. And thats the realness I see in all this shit. I say shit because what I see that cause it isnt my own. It comes from all the ones who are unconscious. Im not dogging on anyone. Just some actualizations. If they cant see what theyre leaving under them. Then how can they see, what theyre supposed to be able to see. In front of them. I keep going back to this animal in PetCo, because if you know me bro. I dont like being held captive in repetitive environments. In the wild, youre not comfortable. Its eat or be eaten. Its make or break all the time. The only break you get, is the brake pedal you hit. To slow you down a bit, just a fraction of a second. So you can either see or pass up your daily Life Lesson. I like it when I see the hate in people eyes towards me, cause while their stuck on this allusion that Im doing just whatever and chill. That really isnt the case, cause thats not going to be paying the bills. I just hold my composure, and let it steep like tea. Because again if you know me, patience will always be something you see. Its just a difference between patience, and procrastination. Can you see it? I doubt it, cause I barely can distinguish the two myself. I just got a call. Environments came up. They say I dont know how you can be comfortable and inspired in other places, that would just F me all up. I replied because your comfortable. He naturally questions my answer. If you look up the definition of that word comfort. You get either a state of physical ease and freedom from pain or constraint. Or consolation for grief or anxiety I like that second one. Because inside of go out an doing. We just sit there and think if we should or not. Its good to be inquisitive. But its better to act on that curiosity, because the best knowledge you dont get in books. You get it through experiences, through action. Through quick thinking. All that made me think, just now. Life isnt a game. Its a War. Battles through your emotion, your losses, then having the strength to come back in one piece the way you left. Untainted. Untainted by the countless things others who are already in their holes have told you. Being apart of their clique, youre not being the real you. Its just a constant fight of if you cant or can roll with the punches. Agent Smith, those bullet shots. Because if not? Youll rot. Along with the rest of the dreams and ambitions in the graveyard. Yeah it may be hard, but the greeks didnt chisel beauty with a just a block. They had an idea, curiosity, their mind put into that rock. And because of that, we look at it years later. Still awing in its beauty. I just love history, because their technology was advanced without having to be intricate. It was made with simplicity, but you can distinctly notice the intricacy. And you may see what I mean, or not. But the thing thats intricate, to me anyway. Was their mentalities were hot. Hotter than Mt. Vesuvius that killed the Pompeiians. Hotter than your crush in middle school. These people had thirst, thirstier than horny teenagers. And the thirst was something way more beautiful and rewarding. Knowledge. Skills acquired by a person through experience. Experience, experience. Thats why I feel like Im a animal in PetCo. The only experience is whats given to me and what I make of it. My accent may be American. But my heart is African. While my paths are Westernized, It calls for the wild. A wild that I feel America is ceasing to have. Untainted and pure like the Pioneers who well pioneered everything. These are just my thoughts, and they can go for pages.
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 01:00:56 +0000

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