Right off the bat the Word of God took over, The Holy Spirit says - TopicsExpress


Right off the bat the Word of God took over, The Holy Spirit says this Week, Much knowledge will be Shared... Much Wisdom will be taught!! Be prepared for many to be angry... hostile... Persecution will come our way but stick with it because Many are going to learn and Understand things they did not know!! PRAISE THE LORD GOD!!! So I listened & I Wrote! Goos morning and Be Encouraged, Be Happy, Be Blessed!! How to be an enemy of God? Those who wants to be friends with the World...James 4:4 What does the Bible Say about Loving the things of the World and loving the World? Those who do this DO NOT have the Fathers Love in them.... It doesnt matter what you think... You can tell who ever you want that the Love of God is in you but the Word of God does not Lie! 1 John 2:15 This is so important to Understand that you CAN NOT Love Jesus.... & the World at the Same Time...... What about those WHO KNOW to do good but chooses not to do good, What does the Bible Say about this? it is Sin to him.... James 4:17 What happens to Gods People who lack knowledge?? They are Destroyed.... Hosea 4:6 Its Time we understand that Gods Ways and God Thoughts are not our ways and our thoughts... Isaiah 55:8 Its Time We understand we better Quit leaning on our own understanding... Our own Rationales..Our own Justifications... We are not supposed to be doing this!! Proverbs 3:5 We better understand that We are to Follow Jesus, according to His Ways & His Standards .... We better Deny ourselves... We better take up our own Cross Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:23 We better lose ourselves for His Sake.. Matthew 16:24, Luke 9:24 We better stop trying to Gain the World or we will lose our Soul.. Matthew 16:26, Luke 9:25 & We better understand, we are NEVER to be ashamed of Jesus in front of anyone..... At anytime... Or the Same will be done to us in front of God, His Father.... Luke 9:26 Its Time to Wake up.. So many are still going around doing what they want to do, listening to junk on the radio, watching trash on tv, cussing like a Sailor, loving the World.. Insisting they love Jesus...bearing no fruit other than bad fruit... thinking they are on the narrow Path..... pride has Sunk in & taken over... Hearts are becoming even more hardened..ears are more itchy than ever.... And they see nothing Wrong with how they live, yet they think they are on the Right path because someone told them that grace is the Way.. Folks... The Bible Does not lie... God does not change..,He did give us Jesus, and thru our Faith are we able to Find Salvation but God has Always Wanted and Still wants His Children to be Obedient... Im afraid too many are not getting it, they no longer care, its just not that important to live for Jesus... I see it everyday.... I do feel however there are those who God is Working on and is calling on to let go FINALLY and just let God take over.... Trust in the Lord With all your heart!! Proverbs 3:5 God bless!! Its Time to call on Jesus Its Time to live for Jesus Its Time to say buh bye to all around you and Get right with God!
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 12:58:09 +0000

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