Right sorry long post as I need a massive rant after seeing an - TopicsExpress


Right sorry long post as I need a massive rant after seeing an image on here!!! Ok folks it seems as if the whole world have forgotten how facebook works!!! See that tragic pic going around where a poor mum to be has obviously delivered her still born baby alone in what looks like a cold cemetery and the poster of the pic is asking everyone not to scroll down without typing Amen of all things - even though there is no prayer attached to the post then every time anyone types either a post asking for it to be removed or telling the OP they are sick for posting and even those adding a wee prayer or typing Amen then this feeds the pic back onto the newsfeed where their friends are then subjected to the horrific pic as our newsfeed tells us the name of the friend who has commented on it!!! So please everyone if you see stuff like that rather than comment anything ignore it and dont feed the trolls as even with the strongest benefit of the doubt if the OP posted it with good intentions (I genuinely cant see that if Im honest and feel it was done to gain comments, attention, likes and shares) then every time its commented on it has a greater chance of finding its way onto our newsfeed again!! I am saddened and shocked that many cant see the tragedy of the pic which really has no place on facebook as its not a parent grieving for their stillborn angel but rather someones idea of horror that the baby was found as it was in the place it was - the mum is no doubt in pieces, scared, confused, and probably unstable after such a horrific incident which she mustve faced alone feeling very vulnerable, and the poor wee angel baby born with its wings I feel very sad for but like I said facebook most certainly is not the place for these type of pics and the sharing of the story wouldve been sufficient without the pictures to ensure many prayers were said for both the mother and child but instead those very graphic images have resulted in people stating opinions about an evil mother which she may not be as nobody knows how she ended up giving birth in such tragic circumstances but also in scarring an image into many peoples eyes about a poor beautiful stillborn baby abandoned in a very tragic way! The OP has done that poor baby a disservice by posting the pics regardless of how he or she came across them and the people who have then shared it (almost 9,000 shares!!!) well theyre even worse IMO but for everyone commenting try to remember how social networking sites like facebook work, if you like or comment then all of your friends then have it on their newsfeed to! Maybe theres an appeal going on to try and find the babys mum - maybe some news channel or newspaper have a story running locally to try and raise the awareness but I doubt very much any of them will be attaching the graphic pics to their media coverage therefore rather than comment or share such horrid photos simply report them, I have very little expectations of facebook removing it when over 171,000 people have commented on it and almost 9,000 people have shared it now in these past few days as its now a trending image on here so try to remember that the next time u feel compelled to comment or share such graphic images - far better to keep reporting to facebook as that way if youve been unfortunate enough to come across such a horrid scene then at least the rest of us wont need to if there are no comments made which automatically feed it onto our news feeds - sorry folks end of rant and God bless that poor mother and her beautiful angel baby
Posted on: Thu, 30 Oct 2014 09:31:59 +0000

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