Righteous PARTICIPATION .....in a Battle that is - TopicsExpress


Righteous PARTICIPATION .....in a Battle that is REAL!!!!! Ephesians 6:14 (NIV) With the breastplate of Righteousness in place . . . Most of us know the sequence of properly placed armor .......and that the second piece of battled preparedness that God has provided for us is the Breastplate of Righteousness ......... ......When you PUT ON Christ at salvation ........you are justified before our Holy God .......Its not YOUR righteousness any longer ....but instead it is Christs .....scripture tells us ~1 Corinthians 1:30 ~ It is because of him that you are in Christ Jesus, who has become for us wisdom from God, that is, our righteousness, holiness and redemption ........ ....... Philippians 3: 8 What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ 9 and be found in him, not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law, but that which is through faith in Christ, the righteousness that comes from God on the basis of faith!!! Knowing now the TRUTH .... When Satan aims an arrow at you by saying ......Youre not good enough to be a Christian ......or Your past will never go away .....or You will never be the Christian THEY are .........you can respond with Paul ........ Who will bring a charge against Gods elect? God is the one who justifies .....Romans 8:33 ....... Truth is ........Your righteousness in CHRIST ......IS your protection against Satans accusations!!!! Friend ......Even though we rejoice in our position of righteousness in Christ .......we are well AWARE of our deeds of UNrighteousness when we THINK .....SAY ........or DO something APART from God ....... .....Did you realize when you PUT ON Christ and partake in the Clothing God has provided for you to wear each and every day .....You are in essence saying to your Heavenly Father ......I Want to be Part of You Father .....I am Willing to be wrapped in YOUR protection .......I am Willing to put Me DOWN and put You ON ....... ......Standing FIRM in our God -like righteousness ........REQUIRES us to LIVE in CONTINUOUS AGREEMENT with GOD ........according to 1 John 1:9: If we confess our sins, He is faithful and righteous to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all UNRIGHTEOUSNESS ....... Confession is different from simply saying Im sorry or asking forgiveness ........ .......To confess means to ACKNOWLEDGE or to AGREE .......You confess your sin when you say what God says about it ....... I entertained a lustful thought and thats a sin ........I treated my spouse unkindly this morning and that was wrong .......Pride motivated me to seek that board position and pride doesnt belong in my life ........True Confession is Conviction inspired!!! ....and Conviction is Gods Presence .......infiltrating .......redirecting .....and cleansing .....Call to RIGHT living!!!! Satan will make confession as difficult for you as he can .......He will try to convince you that its too late for confession ....and that God has already erased your name out of the book of life .......Thats another one of his lies .......... Dont BUY the LIE........Youre in Christ; youre ALREADY forgiven .......You ARE the righteousness of God IN Christ ....2 Corinthians 5:21 .......AND He will NEVER leave you ........Your confession of sin CLEARS the way for the FRUITFUL expression of RIGHTEOUSNESS in your DAILY life ........We should be like Paul .....who said, I also do my BEST to maintain ALWAYS a BLAMELESS conscience both before GOD and before MEN .....Acts 24:16!!! Yep ....The BREASTPLATE of RIGHTEOUSNESS is strategically placed right over the most vulnerable internal spiritual organ ......Your Heart!!! Guard is with ALL you have .....wrapped in HIM ....Because Friend .....The Battle IS REAL!!!! Lord ........ I willingly and with INTENT put on the breastplate of righteousness today .......and seek to maintain a blameless conscience before YOU ......and the people around me .........I want only to be part of You Abba ....Thank You for being the Presence in my life ....Thank You for pressing me into the vessel worthy of Your table .......Thank You for providing battle ready ....conflict enduring .....spirit sustaining .....Covering .......Bless my friends today as they dress in YOU ......Bless us Father with Righteous PARTICIPATION ......Because the Battle Is .....REAL ......Keep is Father ......In Jesus name I Pray ....Amen! Be intentional as you dress this morning .....look to instruction .....and engage in Him with Righteous Participation ....Theres a battle raging ....and IT .....IS .....REAL!! ......You Are Loved my friends ....With and EVER LASTING LOVE!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Nov 2014 13:56:35 +0000

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