Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost 1. Righteousness- - TopicsExpress


Righteousness Peace and Joy in the Holy Ghost 1. Righteousness- being in right standings or relationship with God the father. We have been cleansed by the blood of Jesus, our being accepted in the beloved of God. His name is Jesus. 2. Peace- being at rest with God because of Christ having the wrath of God removed from our lives. We now must walk in the revelation knowledge of his word, giving God first place in our lives renewing our minds for Christ. 3. Joy- being filled with great delight and jubilation being freed from hell’s clutches having Jesus blood and life open the gates of heaven. Where there is no pain, no crying, no sickness or dying, just pure Godly Worship immersed completed in the love and life of God free of distractions from the flesh. 4. Holy Ghost- being filled to overflowing by the Spirit of truth presence. He becomes our guarantee that we belong to God the father. He guided us in our walk with Christ. He becomes our evidence that we are Christ’s. He gives us power. He is part of the God head bodily. This is our road map that leads us to heaven. We must become righteous or we can’t enter into God’s goodness. We must have peace and that only cones from Christ and his sacrifice for all of us. Without peace we will be terrified of God not wanting to be around him. Then Joy is deposited within our hearts upon receiving Jesus as lord, strengthening us so we can stand against an enemy who hates us. We need the Holy Spirit, without him we would be defeated because we would only be serving God in our own inept abilities and strength. The Holy Spirit fills us with holiness through our faith in Jesus and holiness is applied to our lives as though we never sinned. This angers Satan a great deal because God is now calling us his anointed giving us the power to do battle against Satan in Christ. If I bare witness of myself my witness is not true this is what Jesus said in the book of John: 5, 31 (NKJ). And this is what we must say as we live this life we have in Christ. We are to point to Christ even as Christ pointed to the Father while living on earth in a body made of flesh. He walked as a man depended on God the father. He too was filled with the Holy Spirit walking in power. He is our example that we must follow. Love attempts to open the eyes of those that are nearby. When Jesus opened the eyes of the man in Solomon pouch the people could barely recognize him. The same happens to us as our eyes are opened to his truth spiritually, people whom we once new in our sins find it hard to recognize us in righteousness. Righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost come from God through Christ Jesus. Righteousness is our being forgiven of all sins. Peace is having the judgments of God removed off our lives. And joy in the Holy Ghost is being filled with hope, love, faith and power from God who sits on his heavenly throne. Jesus our savior sitting at his right hand interceding on our behalf. The battle for life is won from the inside with the inner man renewed in Christ. This present day earth is not our true home and living from the outside the fleshly man means we do not understand it will come to a horrific end. This earth will be burned by fire and all in it. Thus says the Lord God, this split that is in the body of Christ because of ethnicity, gender and wealth is not from God. This lie has creep in from a world system that is in opposition to my word. I demand obedience and submission, my Holy Spirit knows the hearts of those who call themselves my servants and are not. My servants do not cause divisions and my servants know how to walk in forgiveness and love. Men and women are not the same they are made differently needing each other but it works through obedience, submission, love, understanding and truth in Christ. My blessings are not and never have been on Unforgiveness, for that is what division is, Unforgiveness. I also do not bless pride, anger, falsehoods, or idol worship; these things are all of the flesh. They don’t create unity but cause divisions to flourish weakening my body. I am a God of children who are trying to do my wishes without knowing my heart. I demand that love my love rule the hearts and mind of those who are called by my name. Darkness is upon this earth spreading and only the light of those who know Christ can with stand its assault. My people need to be prepared, for they are weak and will fall. Strengthen them those of you who are mine, who know me and my Son. I gave you insight to what is coming upon this earth. I am holding it back but it will come. Prepare the people for Christ and his return. My people are asleep and they need to be awakened, I have given you my Holy Spirit to help you, yield to him. Prepare, get ready time is short. I am holding back the wind that desires to destroy what is known as mankind. Jesus my Son is your hope so embrace him. James Zeigler March 16, 2014
Posted on: Sun, 16 Mar 2014 14:25:57 +0000

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