Rightly Dividing the Word of God. 2 Timothy 2:15 – Be diligent - TopicsExpress


Rightly Dividing the Word of God. 2 Timothy 2:15 – Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing he word of truth. Since many well meaning individuals teach as dogma verses of scripture that do not apply to the New Testament believer learning to rightly interpret scripture is paramount to understanding its application to the believer. As we learn to examine the scriptures in the light of a few simple rules we will be able to determine those that pertain to us and those that do not. All scripture is given by inspiration of God and is true but not all Scripture is relevant for those under the New Covenant. As you read a passage of scripture approach it with the following questions. “Whom was it written to? What is its context? How does it relate to the verses before and after? How does it relate to other scriptures concerning the New Covenant? The context is those parts of a communication that surround a word of passage that throw light on its meaning. The Scriptures themselves are the best commentary on their true meaning because all scripture relating to a particular topic or subject will be harmonious. “What does it say? What is its content? What is its true meaning? “How does it apply to me in the light of: The New Covenant. Does it apply under the New Covenant or does it apply to the Old Covenant? The finished work of Jesus Christ. Does it require me to do something that Christ has already done for me? Does it require me to perform in order to maintain my righteousness? “Does this scripture condemn me? Romans 8:1 tells us that there is now no condemnation therefore if a scripture is condemning it is in opposition to this truth. We either do not understanding its meaning or it does not apply to us.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Jun 2013 15:02:07 +0000

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