Rima Najjar... WHEN IT COMES TO PALESTINIAN RIGHT OF RETURN, LIBERAL ZIONISTS CLUTCH AT STRAWS, but, ultimately, they will have to fend for themselves [as Jews] in a democratic country in which they did not have supremacy. Another argument [in the fight against BDS by liberal Zionists and pro-Israel intellectuals and journalists] is with the Right of Return. Opponents [of BDS] argue that Israel will be so inundated with Palestinian refugees it will either be destroyed or lose whatever Jewish character it has. This is a patently false argument since an NGO like the Geneva Initiative did professional studies of the subject and estimated that around 400,000 refugees would return. Part of the reason for this is that all refugees would be offered compensation for their loss and suffering. This would enable them to make a free choice where to reside. Some may choose to remain where they are, some may settle in Palestine, if such a state is ever created; and some may return to Israel. At any rate, there is absolutely no possibility Israel will lose its Jewish majority anytime soon. Unless of course, it refuses to create a Palestinian state and the only remaining option is a single state. Then, in fact, Jews would be in a minority and have to learn to fend for themselves within a democratic country in which they did not have supremacy. - Richard Silverstein
Posted on: Sun, 02 Feb 2014 13:44:46 +0000

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