Rimas Death. Thank you Seth. 11/19/2014 To Rimas loved ones, It - TopicsExpress


Rimas Death. Thank you Seth. 11/19/2014 To Rimas loved ones, It is, sadly, time to pass on to you that the spirit of our dear, wacky, adventurous friend Rima is now flying freer than ever. At 2:26pm MT today, alone with her mother, she took her last breath while Carol was giving her love and a back rub. Rimas heart beat lightly for about 5 more minutes and then she took her first dancing step into the next great adventure. It was unexpected and unreal. But also real. Many have felt deprived of seeing Rima in the last few weeks. It would be well to understand that this was largely dictated by the nature of her illness. The blood disorder she was being treated for left her highly susceptible to infections. She simply had no physiologic reserves to neutralize them. Contact with any beloveds, two-legged and four, and even with fresh food was highly guarded and restricted. Uncharacteristically, Rima went along with the limitations. I honestly felt this was secretly because she was fighting, planning, scheming to get out of the hospitals care so she COULD go home and see, be visited by yall, touch the earth, breathe on her own terms, jump in cold water, and play with her furry friends. Only her mother Carol, her sisters Ehren and Tammy, her lovely niece Shelly and smattering of souls collected to do her bidding, pray with and for her, process the medical labyrinth of information,and try to keep her... safely IN her bed. Rimas little body did respond somewhat well to treatment for the chronic blood condition* shed been dealing with for a couple of years now, though not without compromise. Her immune system recently became more and more depleted and... unreliable. Healthy white blood cells and platelets were sparse, no longer flowing in her vinyasa, making her prana fairly incompatible with life. (*Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia, the same condition her father died of 10 years or so after diagnosis.) In the end, the compromises caused by CLL allowed a crop of mushrooms to grow in her lungs––(THAT, she would have LOVED to eat)–but the fungal infection–(more precisely)- caused her breathing to become severely labored and inefficient with saturating her blood with oxygen. She and we scoured the realm and our belief systems to rally her inner defenses, but a downward cascade had begun until, this afternoon, she raised her head, her eyeballs, and her voice and declared, ENOUGH! It was unfathomable to watch this vital force of sister, friend, teacher, and co-conspirator succumb to dreaded IVs, injections, medications, scans, tests and infusions these last weeks and months. Her doctors treated her and her requests with respect, and within their medical model made valiant attempts to turn the tides. Who can say if these were the right choices for our eccentric wonderwoman, but they WERE the path (somewhat reluctantly) chosen. With this disease, the treatment options are fairly circumscribed... This morning, stroking her rugged feet and legs to encourage lymph flow, I said: This is all really just one big performance piece, isnt it? Youre going to have LOTS of material to work with. Rima widened her eyes, rolled them to the ceiling and shook her head, big time yes. Those in her small support circle dispersed for the day with no clue that it would lead to a different outcome than all the others since she entered St. Vincents on the evening of her (our) birthday on 10/29. Seeing her later today laid out, laying there, I could finally shower her with flowers, rose petals, and kisses– which had also been prohibited these past three weeks. Within and despite the odds she did finally find a way out of the hospital, to rejoin us all in a fuller and determined way. I could see she was already rejoicing, free, leaping, inverting, hiking, hugging, swimming, breathing... elsewhere. With much love and blessings to all in her community and family, Rima: you were a force and a heart to be reckoned with and learned from. ~ your Scorpio Brother, Seth * * * There has already begun a Jewish ritual of guarding the body until burial, called Shmira. This goes on all day and night. Her mother, sister, niece, and beloved Tis, are keeping vigil tonight. Members of the womens healing and cleansing circle that Rima will be keeping watch. Plans are evolving for her burial and a memorial. A funeral will be at Rivera Funeral home in Santa Fe, this Friday morning at 10am. More info to follow...
Posted on: Fri, 21 Nov 2014 20:27:44 +0000

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