Ringing Henry believes he’s a good Christians, when he died, - TopicsExpress


Ringing Henry believes he’s a good Christians, when he died, he was rejoicing because he was putting on white garment, among countless people who were just naked, he was bouncing and dancing because he was the only one putting on cloth, yes! I made it at last, he said, even when he has not even approach the gate of heaven, he believe automatically, he already have the access card to the gate of heaven Suddenly he found a horrible dwarf also bouncing and rejoicing with him, walking behind him, he then turned and ask the dwarf, Henry:__________Who are you Dwarf: __________ I’m your friend Henry: __________ Umm! Really? Are we going towards the same direction? Dwarf:__________oh Henry my good friend, don’t worry, I’m here to take you home, of course we are, we are going to the same place, Henry: __________ oh really? Who are you Dwarf:__________ I’ve told you, we are friend and we are going to the same place Henry thought in his mind, I’m very sure you cannot be going to the same place I’m going to, you are ugly, and moreover, you are not putting on a white garment, so I’m very sure you must be going to hell, because hell is prepare for things like this. You are unclean and heaven cannot accommodate unclean things like this. So, when they both get to a place where the road, spitted into two,, Then Henry stopped and told the dwarf Henry: __________well as you can see, I’m going towards the right part, you know I’m putting on white garment, and you are horrible, so you can’t follow me, so you joined the broad way Dwarf:__________ you are right by telling me I am not worthy of going towards the narrow way, but you are wrong by saying you will not go with me, we are going together, so sorry, you and I are going through the broad way Henry:__________ Are you blind? Can’t you see that I’m putting on white? Dwarf: __________Are you blind? Can’t you see that your white is painted with my image; don’t you know we are joined together, and we cannot be put asunder? Henry:__________ I rebuke you in the name of Jesus Dwarf: __________Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, you have started provoking me boy, I get angry easily, if you should say that to me again, I will tear you down now Henry:__________ (Became afraid and ask again) who are you Dwarf: __________good question boy that was the question you should have asked at first Henry: __________But I asked you, but you only said, you are my friend Dwarf: __________Did I deny it? Are we not friend? Henry:__________ Then why should you say I can’t go through the narrow way? Can’t you see I’m purchased by the blood of the Lamb? Dwarf: __________what kind of blood are you talking about? The blood you have refused to wash away this stain on you? The blood you refuse to wash yourself in? My friend let continue our journey we are getting late Henry:__________ I rebuke you in Jesus name Dwarf:__________ Aaaaaaaaaaaaaah hhhhhhhhhhh! If I should hear that name from you again, I will treat you as you deserve Henry: __________Ok. Who are you Dwarf: __________you are a fool; after all I’ve done for you in the world, so I’m not more your friend? When you were on earth, you forgot to chase me out of your life We slept together We ate together I helped you in selling your market, so that your customer can agree with your prices I help you in changing time whenever you get late to work We go out together You use me to earn your living If I’ve not helped you, how will they employed you when you were over aged for that company to employ you I helped you to forged your certificate and CV’s When you want to sell your property, you sold it in high prices with my help I acquired a good land for you, trough your company, and your first car was gotten trough me, I know you carry bible then Whenever you want to sell your goods, as a marketer, you have to use me to convince your customer, then I helped you in everything, so you fail to chase me away then, now you are telling me to go back, why do you want to chase me out when it’s late? Haven’t you heard that after death, its judgment? Whatsoever you want to do, you should have done that on earth before getting here Henry: (He began to shake, and wanted to say) I rebuke you in Jesus name But with Anger, the dwarf as small as it was, picked up Henry and knocked him on the ground and his white garment thorn to pieces and was trying to cover his nakedness, for he has become like others Rev16:15: Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he that watcheth, and keepeth his garments, lest he walk naked, and they see his shame. It’s written, for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able., because not all that says unto me Lord, Lord will enter heaven, only those that do this will of God. Many people has appear before the gate, but could not enter because of little or small sin, many were turned away because of Anger, Malice, Un- forgiveness, Lying, Judging, complaining, greediness, selfishness, indecent dressing, pride, evil words, swearing, etc and anything defiles can’t enter. Many Christians turned to hell, from the gate, while many were not even given the privilege to see the gate at all, are you not going to be turned away too? Check your life now, no little sins will enter heaven. —Ay.Ringing
Posted on: Thu, 11 Dec 2014 15:08:42 +0000

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