Rise Of The Entrepreneur...The Search For A Better Way - WATCH - TopicsExpress


Rise Of The Entrepreneur...The Search For A Better Way - WATCH NOW!!! - Wait Till The Very End Of Video For Valuable Important Information... • bit.ly/RiseOfTheEntreprneur_TheSearchForABetterWay The world is changing faster than ever. Technology is accelerating, job security is declining and income inequality is increasing. People are overworked and underpaid. With less time and freedom, people are left wondering if there is a better way. Our changing economy has led to the rise of the entrepreneur. The fastest, most dependable and controllable way to become wealthy is to own your own business. This documentary gathers today’s best experts and thought leaders to forever change how you view work and wealth. Your search for a better way is over. The answer is here. Your future awaits and there are no limits. - Eric Worre Theres so much of our lives that revolves around our work and the way we make our living, many people are thinking there just has to be a better way. --- People are being overworked and under paid. They seem to have less time and less freedom. They live under constant pressure. - Eric Worre What if there was a way that you had all the proven aspects...the comfort aspects, and you could still control your own life. What if there was both??? In other words you didnt have to create everything from scratch...you didnt have to be a super leader. What if there was a proven product out there???...You didnt have to create the product, and theres a proven system already...Proven training already...Everything!!! Except, an employer...That was the only thing that you didnt have. Do you think that more people would be open to working for themselves in that environment??? --- Some people call it Direct Selling, because the product is being sold directly from the manufacture to the end consumer, cutting out the middle man. Other people call it Multilevel Marketing or MLM because there are multiple levels of commissions paid. The most common term today is Network Marketing because Network Marketing best describes using a large number of independent distributors...independent entrepreneurs to move a product or service more efficiently. - Eric Worre What you are seeing now is the illusion that people have had for many decades...about, the workplace being this secure place to work the rest of your life. --- Everyones whining about this old model, and that once you leave it look at all this over here, look at all this opportunity. - Ali Brown The industrialist age is over...Its dead...Its dying. Thats why going to school, is an obsolete idea..of getting a steady pay check is an industrialist age idea. --- The reason we support the Network Marketing Industry is because it really is a business school for entrepreneurs. Because most people come out of school for a paycheck. Thats terrible. - Robert Kiyosaki Theres something wrong...That on Monday morning the heart attach rate increases by 35%. --- We live on the greatest country on the planet and theres a lot of people still sitting there complaining and being cynical. - Les Brown The biggest challenge facing our world today, is not making money, is what are we going to do about all the displaced unemployed people. - Paul Zane Pilzer I would go into Network Marketing Like that. I think if it didnt exist we should invent it. It is that good. - Bob Proctor I think Direct Selling is a great way to do business today. Its very easy to get into that industry. You can be self-employed...be an effective entrepreneur. - Dr. Ivan Misner People are afraid that theyre going to make the wrong decision...People are afraid of the unknown...People afraid that maybe I dont have the skills. - John Assaraf When we see multi-billionaires adding Network Marketing companies to their portfolio of companies, that would be a clue. When we see people who are very famous authors and business people endorsing the industry, that would be a clue. - Susan Sly THINK ABOUT IT...THE WORLD IS CHANGING FASTER THAN EVER...WHAT USED TO TAKE DECADES, IS NOW TAKING YEARS OR EVEN MONTHS!!! Patrice Samuel Robinson LegalShield℠ Independent Associate - Director Small Business & Employee Benefits Specialist Phone: 519-280-6875 E-Mail: patricesrobinson.legalshield@gmail Great Work Plan Full Presentation... • greatworkplan/new/patricesrobinson/ Worry Less. Live More. Full Presentation - United States • bit.ly/worrylesslivemore_usa Worry Less. Live More. Full Presentation - Canada • bit.ly/worrylesslivemore_canada Business Partners in 4 Provinces in Canada and 49 States in the United States. Please Like My Page, Take A Few Minutes To View The Important Information There...and PLEASE, Feel Free To Share My Page and Posts. Thank You... • https://facebook/patricesrobinson.legalshield.independentassociate #BecomeYourOwnBoss #Business #BusinessOpportunity #BusinessPartners #Canada #CareerOpportunity #ExtraIncome #HomeBasedBusiness #FinancialFreedom #Income #Job #Join #Leverage #MulitLevelMarketing #MLM #MakeMoneyFromHome #NetworkMarketing #PatriceSamuelRobinson #PersonalDevelopment #ProfessionalServices #ResidualIncome #RiseOfTheEntrepreneur #SingleParents #StarBucks #TimeFreedom #TimHortons #UnitedStates #Wealth #WorkFromHome
Posted on: Sun, 14 Dec 2014 20:55:36 +0000

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