Risks :) ....if you have been hurt before , you know this is a - TopicsExpress


Risks :) ....if you have been hurt before , you know this is a scary word ..but to do anything , we have to take chances , yes -even if we cant see the outcome , life and all of its experiances will change us -we dont stay the same -we change like the seasons and with each year that passes...decsions are hard to make when your afraid of failure ..Many people wont commit to a relationship or make a move out of state or take a better job ~ out of fear that it will be a waste of time -or that they made a big mistake -listen, nothing is ever really a waste of anything , everything has a lesson , a purpose , to meet a need , to cause growth , ,,,,, whatever reason we are; where we are today -is exactly where we should be .....there isnt any anyway we can control any thing - what will be , will be ..either we will be successful in our endeavors or we will fumble -maybe get hurt , yes , maybe make a mistake ..we cant ever know ...until we try ...i am learning , about surrender .just allowing life to happen ...i missed out on plenty of opportunities already because of fear of failure . .its silly i know ..:) but yes i have and i am not ashamed to say i made quite a few mistakes along the way -it means Im human...doubt i would have learned any other way ...so today , be encouraged and unafraid to grab life with both hands and live it with no regrets -you have to experiance to gain and hopefully some of your best memories are yet to come ♥ its a soul at peace that can release itself to real freedom ...be free to take risks -chances ♡ ...Happy Monday :)
Posted on: Mon, 27 Jan 2014 09:43:41 +0000

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