Rissole Surprises I created these morsels of goodness when I - TopicsExpress


Rissole Surprises I created these morsels of goodness when I had kids visiting for dinner. Kids can be finicky eaters (not me I ate anything mum introduced to me). I decided to make these because it brings together two ingredients that kids usually love – rissoles and cheese! Ingredients Rissoles: 1 onion grated and cooked in microwave for 2 minutes 2 eggs 500g good mince beef or pork or chicken 2 tablespoon chopped parsley 1 tomato – peeled and chopped 2 tablespoons tomato or BBQ sauce or soya sauce 3 slices bread chopped into small cubes or blitzed into crumbs 1 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon stock powder 2 tablespoons sweet chillis sauce 10-12 cubes of tangy cheese or cream cheese or Edam or whatever Method 1. Mix all rissole ingredients together with your fingers squishing and splodging it together until mixed. 2. Take a handful of mixture, make into a ball and slap it from hand to hand - gets rid of any bubbles and stops the rissoles ‘bursting’. 3. Push a cube of cheese into the middle and ensure the cheese is totally covered by the rissole mixture. 4. Heat oil in a non-stick pan. 5. Put rissole into pan and flatten a bit. 6. Fry the rissoles. 5 minutes on the first side, flip and fry again for about 3 minutes. 7. Low temperature, slow cooking is the key to good rissoles in my book!
Posted on: Mon, 19 Jan 2015 09:48:42 +0000

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