Rita de Cassia vor 38 Minuten via YouTube I Sol Die, Riddles - TopicsExpress


Rita de Cassia vor 38 Minuten via YouTube I Sol Die, Riddles of the Soul A poem by r. de cassia Background music by r. de cassia Recited by r. de cassia All rights reserved by zurielpress. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted by any person or entity, in any way or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior permission of the publisher. With much appreciation and gratitude to Adrian Koulias, Richard Distasi and Susan Vos for their assistance with the editing of this book, and to Gene Gollogly for his warm support of my work. Riddles of the Soul Chapter 1 As morning from her night chambers came, singing softly, the girl walked down the path … I roam in utter darkness, and yet my spirit rejoices in the vast sky, as my mind’s eye remounts to the spheres immeasurably deep; thus I live on Earth, although again in Heaven I know I keep. Yet as Earth-born soul, I must thus seek my home within the spaces above me where I sense the gods are watching by. At this, a voice was heard. She stood still to listen. ‘Be not concerned,’ the voice said, ‘why do you lament when so many blessings are bestowed upon you? Be still and know that I Am the voice coming from on high, above, between, below, and confines within, and without measure upon the heights. I Am the Universe, within and without, wherein resides the core of the most pure “I”. Reach out your will and your creator will take you higher to worlds where angels fly; break away from Earth’s bounds and ascend with me to the bounteous sky! Reach out your will and touch; the Universe within calls to co-create with the gods; keep their commands in your heart. Follow the rainbow path upon the highways of recalling. Plunge now your will and travel forward and back again and go ahead with fleeting thought, aeons and aeons in a split second, to where no flesh has ever gone. Reach out your will and touch, and you shall see your own self in core of crystal clear. For there, night never abides as it shines like the splendour of a sunlit day, because no darkness there survives, or loneliness can ever hold its sway. Reach out your will and touch spheres of Light, spirit might. Where are you now within this plight? Are you not the likeness of the great power within, shining like a million suns splendid and bright? Bring closer to you the treasures of imagining and change. What was said could never be, to make your intent a true reality. Reach out your will and touch the fire, the everlasting flame, the consuming blaze within. O hear the sounds in depths of lofty space! O hear the songs the spheres sing! Reach out your will and touch the Universe splendid and vast wherein the countless worlds abide in depths of cosmos turning, revolving in swirls of amazing hues to dim and die and afresh be born, as dark matter is transformed within the cosmic flues. (PUBLISHED TO FACEBOOK 8-6-13) Is there anything your heart desires? Is there anything you want to know? Are you willing to set out towards your destiny and find the place where your fire glows? Are you willing to travel much further than you ever thought you could? Try to remember this truth sublime. I Am the voice calling from within I Am the gentle Light in the human heart. Go now and follow the spirit Light, wisdom and Love to impart. No more to fumble about in obscurity, bring forth the eternal Light that shines within you. Reach out your will and thrust away the careless dreams, and the folly strife that takes you to depths of despair. Thrust away the feelings of despondency and the ever fickle thoughts of unbelieving. Believe in me, for I Am the living thought within the human mind, the tender tendril that gently moves in caverns deep within the heart. I Am memory in spaces where time never changes. I Am the path that moves toward spirit might, and forever bounds; I Am the straight line that moves upon the perfect rounds.’ PUBLISHED ON FACEBOOK 10-6-13 After that, the voice was silent and she waited. As a breeze came and kissed her face, the girl wondered if that voice would again speak. After a long silence, she decided to resume her pace, and walked slowly toward her favourite place. Within her lonely darkness, she trudged down and groped her way to that well-trodden path, wherein the wild daisies bounced by the breezes’ sway. So carefully did her footsteps touch the verdant grass whose drops of dew the morning light distils. After crossing the light-reflected gushing brook happily rippling between its flowery banks, and, as it streamed down, the little pond did fill. She smelt the scent of moist air. Silvery ringed butterflies escaped upon the wake of her passing, as the sun peacefully arose behind the distant hills. In her mind she saw then the hollow cave hidden amid overhung rocks, shut in on every side by willows and quivering shades. After parting a cluster of little wild flowers, in mossy beds the first rays of sun reflecting, she entered the clearing and for a moment waited, and then walked slowly to the middle where the gentle stream in cryptic majesty, capturing the scanty light, flowed into the little pond spellbound by ancient mystery. Sadly she sat by the water, and deepened her cupped hands to bring the precious liquid to her face. Now in a vision her blind eyes saw a man as he stood some paces away. He said, ‘I baptise with water, yet He baptises with fire, and He shall give you whatsoever your heart desires.’ Next, she beheld another life long passed, when she followed the great Master and witnessed the miracle as He cured the man born blind. When she came out of this, she prayed a fervent prayer, ‘When in my solitary darkness I sit and in great sorrow, covered is my soul in gloom. When darkness before my eyes does flit, and I must wander within my perennial night, I pray, O Lord, to restore my sight.’ PUBLISHED ON FACEBOOK 11-6-13
Posted on: Sat, 15 Jun 2013 03:37:02 +0000

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