Ritual Calendar: 2013 January 1/1 S New Year’s Days. A druid - TopicsExpress


Ritual Calendar: 2013 January 1/1 S New Year’s Days. A druid (spirit) feast day (light fires on hill tops) 1/5 P Shivaratri (night of Shiva creator/destroyer) 1/5 or 1/6 S Twelfth Night 1/6 P Dionysian Revels 1/6 S Epiphany referring to celebrations over the manifestation of the divinity of Jesus 1/6 P Kore gives birth/ manifestation of divinity; Kore, Demeter, Persephone. 1/7 S St. Winebalt’s Day, successful Saxon missionary, founded the Benedictine Order 1/7 Eastern Orthodox Christmas 1/11 S New Moon 1/12 N Birth of both Rosenberg and Goering, Nazi Leaders in WW11 1/13 S Satanic New Year 1/14 P Makar Sankranti: Hindu: Harvest Festival 1/15,1/16 SKillfest, feast day of St Henry of Coquet Island, noted for psychic perceptions 1/17 S Feast of fools(Old Twelfth Night)Satanic and Demon revels 1/17 N Martin Luther King Day 1/18 S Old Epiphany 1/18-1/22 P Dream Festival(Pleiades) 1/20 S St. Agnes Eve, patron saint of virgins, Pope blesses 2 lambs, young virgins can have visions 1/20-1/27 Grand climax (blood rituals) in Satanic calendar: conjuration of Talal, a warrior demon 1/25,1/26 Tu B’Shevat (Jewish celebration of spring) Begins in the evening 1/26 Australia Day 1/27 Full Moon 1/30 N Hitler named Chancellor of Germany February 2/1-3 P Mysteries of Persephone, Groundhog/Imbolg day. A night requiring human sacrifice 2/2 S Candlemas (Imbolc/Imbolg), means with milk. Brigid’s Day/mother goddess (bride) 2/10 New Moon 2/12 S Lincoln’s Birthday 2/14 N Valentine Day, encourages physical lust, 13 days after Imbolc, number of extreme rebellion 2/14 S Fertility Rituals 2/15 P Lupercalia (she-wolf mother Romulus and Remus: honoring of Pan) 2/15 P Vasant Panchami: Hindu: Worship of Saraswati, goddess of knowledge, ancestor worship 2/18 S President’s Day 2/21, 2/22 Feralia/Terminalia (Roman All Souls), Washington’s Birthday 2/25 N Walpurgis Day 2/25 Full Moon 2/23, 2/24 Shushan Purim March 3/1 S St. Eichstadt. Conjuring of Ninkharsag, Queen of Demons 3/2 P Dionysian Revels 3/7 S Eastern Orthodox Beginning of Lent 3/8 S Shrove Tuesday (Mardi Gras) 3/9 S N Ash Wednesday (beginning of Lent) 3/9 P Festival of Ishtar(Astarte, Aphrodite, Venus) 3/10 P Maha Shivatri: Hindu Lord Shiva day of penace 3/11 New Moon 3/12 T Rituals of the Elements and Feast of the Times 3/15 P Ides of March: Rites of Cybele and Attis ( begins twelve day death and resurrection ritual) 3/16 Montsegur Day, persecutioin of the Cathars 3/17 S? St. Patrick Day 3/18 S Sheila-na-gig (Sheelah’s Day, Sheelahis Day ( Celtic Creatress) 3/18 Jacques de Molay Day (Knights Templar) 3/20 T Feast of the Supreme Ritual, the invocation of Hours: the beginning of the new year 3/20 T Feast for the Equinox of the Gods:commemorates the founding of Thelema in 1904 3/20-3/22 P Pelusia, Invocation of Isis. Tubulustrum Roman purification/Shab-i-barat. Night of Forgiveness(Islam), Homage to the God of death 3//21 S Spring Equinox. Children dedicated to Satan or Tiamet 3/21,3/22 Goddess Ostara (Ishtar, Eaostre) for whom Easter is named 3/24 S Feast of the Beast, Bride of Satan/Feast of Priapus/Festival of Isis 3/24 S Palm Sunday 3/27 S Full moon 3/25 Passover 3/27 P. Holi: Hindu: Festival of colors, spring festival 3/29 S Good Friday 3/31 Easter 3/31 Vertmass, feast of green, Green King/fool of love April 4/1 April Fool’s Day, 13 weeks from New Year’s Day 4/4 N Death of Martin Luther King 4/4 S N Hitler’s Birthday (alternate) 4/6 Palm Sunday 4/7 Yom Hashoah Holocaust Remembrance Day 4/8 S Days of the Masters 4/8-4/10 T The Feast for three days of the writing of the Book of the Law 4/9 Maundy Thursday, Last Supper of Jesus and Apostles 4/10 S New Moon 4/15,4/16 5/9 N Israel Independence Day (Yom Haatzmaut) 4/19 First day of the 13 day Satanic fire ritual Baal, Nimrod, major human child sacrifice 4/20 N Hitler’s birthday 4/20 P Rama navami: Hindu Birth of Lord Rama 4/20 Queen’s Day (Netherlands) 4/21-5/1 S Grand Climax/Da Meur/ preparation for Beltane 4/22-4/29 Preparation for sacrifice 4/23 S Holy Saturday 4/23 St George’s day/national day in the UK 4/25 Full Moon 4/25 P Hanuman Jayanti: Hindu: Birth of Hanuman, shape shifter 4/25 S Partial Lunar eclipse. Visible in Europe, Africa, Western Asia. Western Australia 4/26-5/1 P Corpus de Baahl 4/30 S Queen’s Day ( Netherlands) 4/30 N Anniversary of Hitler’s death 4/30 Walpurgisnacht (May eve) major festival day 4/30-5/5 Grand Climax/Da Meur/ Beltane May 5/1/ N S Beltane ( May Day) Fire festival/celtic festival, Greatest Sabbat, fertility rites/open fields 5/5 S? Cinque de Mayo 5/8 N V-E Day 5/9-5/13 P Lumeria (three days Roman All Souls) 5/10 New Moon 5/10 S Annular solar eclipse. Visible in Australia, Central Pacific 5/12 S Mother’s Day 5/14-16 N Shavuot 5/13 S All Soul’s Day in New Zealand 5/21 S? Armed Forces Day 5/21 Ascension Day 5/25 Full Moon 5/25 S Penumbral lunar eclipse. Visible in North America and South America, Africa 5/27S Memorial Day 5/29, 5/30 Memory day dedicated to Joan of Arc June 6/1 S Republic Day (Ireland) 6/3 Eastern orthodox Ascension Day 6/6 S Queen Elizabeth’s birthday ( New Zealand 6/1 West Australia 6/28) 6/6 N D Day (invasion of France in WW2) 6/8 New Moon 6/12 S Pentecost 6/14 S? Bastille Day? Flag Day 6/16 S Father’s Day 6/21 S First Nation’s Day Canada 6/21 S Summer Solstice, marked by torture, rape, sacrifice, infant consumption 6/21 T Rituals of the Elements and Feast of the Times 6/23 S Full Moon 6/23 S Midsummer’s Eve 6/23 S St. John’s Eve Fire Festival 6/24 S Lighting the Midwinter Bonfires in New Zealand July 7/1 Satanic and demon revels. Blood sacrifice 7/1 S Sacred Heart of Jesus 7/1 S Canada Day 7/4 S Independence in USA 7/8 New Moon 7/9 P First day of the fast of Ramadan: Islamic 7/14 S Bastille Day 7/15 N Tish’aB’av 7/17-7/23 Sacrifice of first born males, communion with flesh and blood 7/19-7/20 Sunfest 7/22 Full Moon 7/23 Beginning of Dog Days, linked to Sirius, Dog Star, Sothis, star of Set 7/24 S Pioneer Day (Mormon) 7/25 St Jame’s Day/Festival of the horned god 7/28 S Parent’s Day August 8/1-8/2 S N Lammas/Lughnasadh-corn harvest 8/3 S Satanic and demon revels 8/8 S New Moon 8/12 T Feast for the First Night of the Prophet and his Bride 8/12,8/13 Diana’s day, triple goddess, moon and three moon phases 8/15 S Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary 8/20 P Raksha Bandhan: Hindu celebrates the bond of protection between brothers, sisters, and cousins. 8/21 S Full Moon 8/24 P Mania (opening of Nether World Gate) 8/24-8/27 P Fundus Mundi ( a three day late-harvest festival) 8/28 P Krishna Janmashtami: Hindu: Birth if Krishna September 9/1 N Start of WW11 9/2 Labour day 9/4 N Rosh Hashanah 9/5 S New Moon 9/5-9/7 S Marriage to the Beast (Satan) 9/7 S Feast of the Beast, marriage of virgins to Satan 9/9 P Ganesh Charurthi; Hindu: Birth of Lord Ganesha, god of wisdom, prosperity, and good fortune 9/11 S Grandparents Day 9/13 N Yom Kippur 9/16 S Mexican Independence Day 9/18-25 N Sukkot 9/19 S Full Moon 9/20-9/21 S Midnight Host, vows, blood sacrifice from tip of finger 9/20 P Pitr Paksha: Hindu 16 day period when spirits visit their descendant’s home 9/21 S Fall Equinox 9/21 T Rituals of the Elements and Feast of the times 9/23-10/2 P Mysteries of Eleusis 9/23-9/30 Birthday celebration of Shri Krishna 9/26 N Simchat Torah 9/29 S Michaelmas October 10/2 Durga, Kali Puja 10/5 S New Moon 10/5 P. Opening of Mundus Ceresis 10/5 P Navaratri: Hindu: Fall Festival, Worship of Durga. Lakshmi ans Saraswati 10/10 S Thanksgiving: Canada 10/10 Dashara (Kali’s victory over Mahishasura) 10/14 N Columbus Day:US 10/11 P Saraswati Puja Hindu goddess of learning, purity, and wisdom 10/12 S Dia de la Raza: Mexico 10/12 Hitler’s half birthday 10/13 S Backwards Halloween 10/14 Thanksgiving Day in Canada 10/16 N Death of Rosenburg 10/19 N Death of Goering 10/22-10/29 S Preparation for all Hallow’s Eve 10/24 United Nations’ Day 10/31 S N Halloween/Samhain/All Hallow’s Eve/ Hallomas/ All Souls Day 10/31 P Preparation for the Isia (ring of six: Isis, Hathor, Nepthys, Horus, Thoth, Anubis) Resurrection of Osiris 10/31 S N Start of the Celtic new year. Dark half of the year November 11/1 S All Saints’ Day 11/1 Satanist High Holy Day 11/1-11/6 P The Isia: six day ritual drama search for pieces of Osiris/feast of the Netherworld, parting of the astral veil/resurrection of Osiris 11/2 S All Souls’ Day (in honour of the dead), Santeria, El Dia De Los Muertos 11/3 -11/8 P Diwali: Hindu: Festival of Lights: The end of Lord Rama’s exile, killing of a demon by Krishna’s wife 11/4 S Satanic Revels 11/5 S Guy Fawkes’ Day (UK) 11/7 P Hilaria/Mania (Open of Mundus Cereris) rebirth of Osiris 11/9 N Kristallnacht 11/9 S New Moon 11/11 N Veteran’s Day (Armistice, 1918) 11/11 N Remembrance Day ( Canada) 11/17 S Full Moon 11/21-11/27 Musemass, St Cecilia, goddess of music, prayed to stay a virgin 11/27 Sunday of Advent 11/27-12/5 Chanukah 11/28 S US Thanksgiving 11/30 S St. Andrew’s Day ( Scotland) December 12/3 S New Moon 12/5 12/12 12/19 S Sundays of Advent 12/5 S Sinterklaas: The Netherlands 12/6 S St. Nicholas’ Day 12/13 S? St. Lucia’s Day 12/17 S Full Moon 12/17-12/22 P Saturnalia 12/21 S St. Thomas Day- Fire Festival, feast day, orgies 12/22 S N P Yule/ Winter Solstice 12/22 T Ritual of the Elements and Feast of the Times 12/24 S N Christmas Eve/ Satanic demons revels/Da Meur/Grand High Climax 12/25 S N Christmas Day 12/26 S Boxing Day ( UK, Canada, Australia, New Zealand) 12/26 S? St. Stephen’s Day ( Scotland) 12/31 S New Years Eve Ritual Calendar: 2013 Ritual Calendar: 2012 Ritual Calendar: 2011 Ritual Calendar: 2010 created October 29, 2010 last modified 04/29/2013 Things that make you go Hmmm.
Posted on: Tue, 15 Oct 2013 16:00:05 +0000

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