Ritual Cleansing at the Autumnal Equinox On September 22, we - TopicsExpress


Ritual Cleansing at the Autumnal Equinox On September 22, we experience the second Equinox in 2012. This is an important time for those living a magical life. On this date, day and evening are of equal length. During this time, balance is created around the world. As an Intuitive we are aware of the relevance of this time. As we go through our daily activities we become magnets to a variety of energies. Some energy revitalizes us, while others tend to distract us from the business at hand, as well as the ability to perform at our best. Just moving through our daily lives exposes us to stress, negativity, anxiousness, and fatigue. It becomes important to cleanse our homes, offices, and businesses, so that we are free to go through our days without the heaviness that sometimes attaches to our aura. Cleansing and Clearing is the topic we will be covering today. I will provide you with the detailed steps and ingredients needed for a Traditional Equinox Cleansing Ritual. I will also offer a Native American alternative for those who choose to follow that path. The complete Kits, as well as separate ingredients can be purchased through the Ancient Moon, at our location, or our on line store. I suggest performing the ritual as close to the day (if not on the exact date) of the Equinox as possible. I have chosen this ritual selection because it encompasses some of the first ingredients used in long ago rituals. The blend of the resins is found in many different denominational ceremonies. As an Eclectic, I find this preferable. Begin by gathering your ingredients. Your complete kit will consist of: Frankincense Resin Myrrh Resin Sea Salt A Bell with a clear pitch Charcoal Tablets Matches **you will also need a fire-safe burner, spring water & crystal bowl To Begin: Select a time that you will be able to devote uninterrupted energy to the ritual. The average home will take about 1 hour to complete. An office or business may take about 30 minutes. Gather your supplies, so that once you begin you can concentrate on your intentions. Center yourself and focus on your objective. The Ritual: I generally gather ingredients on a tray, as it is easier to move from room to room. Begin at a space, closest to the main entrance of your home or office. The door way should open to the outside, if you live in an apartment situation; begin near a window that opens to the outside. Place your charcoal in a fire safe burner-I generally put either sand or sea salt beneath the charcoal disc. Light the charcoal. With a spoon, mix and apply equal amounts of Frankincense and Myrrh Resin to the lit charcoal. (It is not uncomment to need to re-light the charcoal, and add more resin as you progress in the ritual). Lift the burner up and walk clockwise around the first room you are cleansing. As you smudge the room, you may recall the negative issues and energies you wish to dispel. (For example: I (name) remove the negativity from the last year from this room. I dispel the unhappiness and frustration that occurred over the last months. I neutralize stagnant and harmful memories, etc) Move from room to room recalling and dispelling at the same time. When you are back in the place you started, begin the next step. Take the bell in your left hand. As you ring it (again, clockwise) release the energies you smudged by commanding the universe to lift the vibrations in this space. (For example: I (name) lift the vibrations within this space. I ask the Universe to replace the negativity with light and useful energy. I ask that the atmosphere become healthy for a happy and prosperous life). As you move from room to room project for the air to become lighter. When you complete this step, you should be back at your starting point. The final part of this ritual is what I refer to as the Blessing. To you crystal bowl add a teaspoon of sea salt to about 1 cup of spring water. Begin once again at your starting point and working clockwise flick a bit of the blessing mix around each room. While doing so, you may say something along this line: I, (your name), bless this space. I ask that it is protected from negativity and harm. I create a serene and balanced space. When you are back at your starting point, put the tray aside. Open the door to the outside, and say: I, (name), command all negativity to leave this space. I release and dispel any memories that may inhibit my happiness and prosperity. I cast away tensions, disturbance, sickness, tears, frustration, and depression. I ask that all positive energies that will guide me to a place of empowerment stay. I invite only the most positive aspects that will lead to happiness and success to be with me now. As it is, so mote it be. (Feel free to add some of your own thoughts and incantations). Upon completion of this ritual, I suggest that you leave the property for at least 1 hour. When you arrive back, the difference you feel will be remarkable. If you prefer to participate in this ritual using a Native American technique, kits containing Sage and Feather are available at our shop, or online store. If you have any questions concerning the ritual, please contact the shop directly, or through the website. We will return your inquiry as soon as possible.
Posted on: Sun, 09 Mar 2014 02:51:00 +0000

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