Ritualists nabbed for severing human head. Two suspected - TopicsExpress


Ritualists nabbed for severing human head. Two suspected ritualists, Atom Dogo, 29 and Sunday Ebe, 36 both of Budo Mose Liberia Village via Banni, Kwara State, who allegedly lured a 4-year-old child into their room and severed the head and other parts of the body, have been arraigned before an Ilorin Magistrate Court. The accused were indicted following a report on August 28 at Banni Divisional Police Station by one Ador Isho of Budo Mose Liberia Village via Banni that when he arrived home, he discovered that his daughter, Kwando Ador was missing. According to the Police First Information Report (FIR) on the matter, investigation conducted at the State Criminal Investigation Department (SCID), Ilorin, revealed that the accused criminally lured the deceased and her elder brother, one Jude Ador inside their room under a false pretence of sending them on an errand. The FIR added that the accused sent the elder brother to buy groundnut and before he could returned, they gruesomely killed the hapless girl. They beheaded her and severed the two palms and the two feet. The FIR added further that the remaining body was secretly thrown into a nearby stream with a palpable intent to conceal the ugly crime by them. “Further investigation revealed that the accused are notorious syndicates that terrorised unsuspecting members of the public by means of killing the young children within Banni and its environs for ritual purposes. They give no respect to the sanctity to human race,” the FIR stated. The prosecutor informed the court that investigation into the matter was ongoing with a view to unmask other members of their satanic syndicates. The prosecutor also objected to the bail of the accused and urged the court to remand them in prison custody pending the outcome of the investigation. The trial magistrate, Mrs. M.F. Abikoye upheld the submission of the prosecutor and ordered that the accused be remanded at the Federal Medium Security Prison, Mandala, Ilorin, pending the outcome of the investigation. The court adjourned the case to September 19 for further mention.
Posted on: Mon, 16 Sep 2013 05:14:31 +0000

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