Rituals of Love Fantasizing about your beautiful face during - TopicsExpress


Rituals of Love Fantasizing about your beautiful face during the bad, sad days. Stifling the confusion and turmoil in my mind, By using my imagination to shape Its cameo image, straining to get it exactly right, The shape of your eyes, your strong, even teeth, Even the blemishes that make a pattern on your dusky skin. Missing when we are apart, Your old world courtesy, your quiet resolve, Your womanly reserve, the discipline and commitment You apply to life, Traits so at odds with mankind’s bumbling plight. Daring to document in prose our dream of love, Constructing an idealistic, imaginative fable, To commemorate and memorialize The unique dimensions and aspirations of our devotion. Cooking, employing all my meager culinary skills, To blaze with each morsel consumed a trail to your heart. Sharing and emphasizing all the little things To create a relationship that will last. Anticipating that moment when you come through the door, Yet ever caught unaware, Ever inordinately surprised by a tender blow The impact of your very intense, covert stare. Waiting patiently, Hoping for that flowering of feeling, That depth of concern, that gift of a passion enduring. That we may practice together For the remainder of our days, Simple rituals of love. Love Yearns to Love Across a yawning chasm of disparate measures, Of happiness and sadness, joy and pain, Innocence celebrates innocence, love yearns to love. Amidst the anomie engendered, By the latest eruption of time’s volcano; As tradition writhes and convulses, Through the social consciousness, Leaving molten agonizing tracks and traces. Virtue perceives virtue, soul cries out to soul mate To make common cause, to grapple with and resolve The apparently impenetrable mystery, Of actual, real life human happiness. Two beings trying to connect to their moral selves, Separately and singly condemned to be -- different, To be mired, sinking in the quicksand of an odorous swamp, Heaving with self destructive spasms. If they could fuse with each other and achieve unity, They might together create an incandescent spark, Rise - and become for a single, glorious moment A fragment of eternity. Just to be needed Wealth and fame and property I can do without, Cars and jewelry and other material things, Are really less than nothing to me. That which I crave, that which I truly live for Is to be appreciated and understood. I would give everything to know, That the good I have done, Or tried with all my might to do, Was not altogether in vain, That there will be some reward before cremation’s flame. To hear words of encouragement, To be blessed with a sweet smile- meant just for me, To have the love that fills my heart, Reciprocated in total or even in part; To discover someone who really valued the truth, And so could value me, Would mean everything to me. Love’s Dream The last illusion barely hanging on, In a psyche dedicated to logic and erudition; Gone beyond the mindless, incoherent past, The chaos, the bumps and lumps that were steadfast; Yet daring to cling to - love’s dream. Memories of implacable, irreducible sweetness, Of long, lazy, turgid, passionate days, Falling into quivering, exciting nights, Steeped in dreamy, gentle, orgasmic flights; Tender counterfeits of love’s dream. Living in denial, reaching out for self discipline, Solitary, seeking a relationship with real meaning, Prone to fantasies, malignant and debilitating, Filled with recurring, frenetic fears so chilling Yet still tenaciously clinging to love’s dream. WHY I LOVE CECELIA? Because she had the discernment and acuity to anticipate, The peril to an insignificant but animate creature. Because she deigned to clumsily kneel Demonstrating her tender, compassionate and resourceful heart. Because of her awkward, unladylike, unbecoming scuttle, Across the patterned tile to ultimately trap in her gentle, determined grasp, The flitting shadow of my oft exploited, oft brutalized affections. Because she rescued from beyond the lonely, intransigent, ascetic pale My mind, my heart, my soul, my solitary life apart, That is why I love Cecelia. A Poem For Debbie Each day that you love me is an event. Each kiss that you give me is a priceless treasure. Every kind word, or gesture of affection, prevents My falling from life is a font of boundless pleasure. An extended bout of loneliness has emphasized the inestimable value, Of your company, your understanding, of all the other little things, A secret smile, a yearning tender glance, intrigues of affection, That together constitute loves transcendent mystery. Shall I Ever Love Again? To love again, I must expose my heart again; I must lower all my defenses again; I must trust the one I care for again: Oh! The inevitable and unavoidable pain Inherent in this resplendent enterprise; In a world overburdened with venality and opportunism, Yet bereft of mutual understanding and respect. A milieu replete and redolent with territorial predators, One in which there is a dearth of moral beings. To seal and ossify my heart, To never, ever love again. After the excruciatingly painful years Of becoming capable of love. I exist impaled on the horns of this dilemma, I live attainted by the calumnies of this dreadful conundrum. God! In your infinite wisdom and mercy, succor me, Send me someone with a capacity for truth and love. Lonely, But Never Again Alone If the few weeks we have had, is all we ever have, It must be enough. I can never mourn my loss, For it is more than I have ever had, in a half century of ceaseless striving. If I am never again permitted to support the tender weight, Of your head resting on my shoulder, with complete confidence and credulity, I dare not grieve, I must cherish the memory For it is the most trust ever afforded me. If I am never again privileged to hear your sweet voice, Relating heartrending, horrific tales of woe, I cannot morbidly reflect on that irony, or dwell on my tragedy, Because I know, love is ever so. I must revel, and find solace, in the knowledge; That whether one mile or one million miles separates us; I will ever be lonely, but never again will I be alone, Because I have experienced love that is true, with you. I SURRENDER - TO LOVE!!! YOU, on various and variegated occasions have been an Ebony challenge, an Oriental mystery, A Caucasian super ordinate, a Latin dilemma, or, my National Treasure. Always have I been discomfited and discombobulated by your very appearance, Shattered and shamed by your rejection, Eviscerated and diminished by your distance and disdain, But never have I been casual or unconcerned. During our myriad and manifold encounters the victory Has ever been yours, I am no closer To deciphering the puzzle of your manifest and manifold subtleties and inconsistencies Than on the happy event of our first involuntary encounter. But my need for you, if anything, has grown stronger. Your early absence prompted deprivation and behavioral aberrations, Triggered inadequacies that a lifetime of striving has not overcome; Later contacts precipitated intense emotions and, an irredeemable fascination, An awe that was almost worshipful, passions transcendent and sometimes destructive, This contest, you have clearly WON - will you communicate to me, finally, belatedly, what I could do to deserve your LOVE? A Witness to My Life I need a witness to my life. To the excruciating pain I can hardly bear, A degree and dimension of loneliness beyond compare, An unquenchable, unrequited longing, For a lasting relationship and a love that transcends despair. I need a witness to appreciate and validate, The inconsolable grief and frustration that is my lot, As I morosely contemplate the things that might have been, So many missed opportunities and bitter failures, That time cannot reconcile - that were by cant and hypocrisy begot. I need a witness, who could belatedly realize and attest to, The depth of my commitment and unselfish concern, For those who uniformly, mistakenly perceive The truth I strain and struggle to glean, As the means of their exposure - never their enlightenment. I need a witness to my life, Who could unequivocally support and share, The honorable, quixotic vision I have fashioned, Of social and economic relations informed and imbued, With unfettered logic, justice, love and TRUTH. I need a witness to my life, Who fully appreciates and is willing to ratify, That I have relentlessly striven to do my duty, To follow the dictates of my conscience, And do what I believe is RIGHT. William E. Virtue Copyright Retained, All Rights Reserved
Posted on: Mon, 17 Nov 2014 21:39:09 +0000

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