Rizong 僧院簡介(fm - TopicsExpress


Rizong 僧院簡介(fm Wiki): 這是座歷史悠久的老宮巴---位於Alchi的西邊,往Lamayuru 的路上...1831年所建,為格魯派僧院...紀律相當嚴格. 格魯派(又稱為黃教)為藏傳佛教四大派之一,由西藏班智達-宗喀巴羅桑札巴大師於十四世紀所創立,為阿底峽尊者噶當派的後裔之一,故又稱作噶丹派(Ganden)。格魯,意為「善規」,亦稱黃教,在藏區有很大的影響[。格魯派認為中觀應成派為最究竟的學說. Rizong (or Rhizong) gompa, Gelugpa or Yellow Hat Buddhist monastery is also called the Yuma Changchubling in Ladakh, India. It is situated at the top of a rocky side valley on the north side of the Indus, to the west of Alchi on the way to Lamayuru. It was established in 1831 by Lama Tsultim Nima under the Gelukpa order, at Ri-rdzong. There are 40 monks in the monastery. The monastery is also called “the paradise for meditation” and is noted for its extremely strict rules and standards. It is also believed that long ago Guru Padmasambhava meditated in the caves around Rizong years before the monasteries were built. It is also inferred that in the small caves in the vicinity, Lamas used to meditate for years in isolation from the rest of the villages. They subsisted on one meal a day, which was provided to them by local people through a 1 foot (0.30 m) square window opening in the cave. Before the monastery was built in 1831, it was started as a hermitage for teaching the Buddhist religion to the monks, with a strict regimen of a celibate life suited to the monastic order. In the 18th century, Lama Tsultim Nima who meditated at the rDzong-lung mountains decided to establish a hermitage (before he built the present large monastery) here, as a monastery for monks to meditate and learn the teachings of Buddha. Supported by many monks, initially many mud huts were built where they recited gso-shyong. He laid down very strict rules of celibacy called the “Vinaya Rules” to be followed by each monk who meditated here. In brief, rules set are the following. • Monks are not allowed to leave the monastery, except in the case of sickness • No comforts of bedding are allowed to sleep at night • Monks are not to touch anything handled by women (including their own or others sisters) • Before sun rise or after sunset, Monks can not leave their cell, except to bring water • Not even a needle worth of possessions are allowed to be owned by the monks • Fire cannot be lit in their rooms • Any kind of donation received by a monk from his home shall be shared with other monks in the hermitage • The boundary of the hermitage was marked by three types of fences and no women was allowed to sleep even in the outer most boundary of the hermitage • Any rumour about offences that the monks committed would result in their rustication from the monastery Within the ambit of the above rules, the monks of the monastery would at times become quite sentimental about even inadvertently treading on an insect or even cutting a blade of grass. Over the years, the hermitage became a place of worship and pilgrimage to all Buddhists from Ladakh. It is reported that the king of Ladakh gave rich donations to convert the Hermitage into a retreat centre and the queen of Ladakh even visited this place on a pilgrimage. At this stage, as the number of monks in the hermitage increased, Lama Tsultim Nima decided to build a much larger monastery due to the then location of the hermitage being inadequate to build one large monastery.
Posted on: Sun, 11 Aug 2013 09:59:13 +0000

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