Road to Victory - A Bold New Future For Yonkers and - TopicsExpress


Road to Victory - A Bold New Future For Yonkers and Beyond!!! Over the course of 238 years since declaring our independence from Britain, citizens of the United States have authored an unprecedented journey – a story of democracy and fundamental rights that would be tested on battlefields across the globe, and perpetually strengthened by the unwavering will and spirit of the people that call themselves Americans. Many citys across our nation has played an important part in America’s history, reaffirming its own independence in 1776 from the crown of England through a referendum vote. Like so many cities across America, our humble beginnings as a farming community quickly turned into a manufacturing powerhouse in the nineteenth century. From Otis Elevator to Alexander Smith & Sons Carpet Company to Edwin Armstrong’s first successful FM radio transmission, first assembly line by Henry Ford, first successful flight by the wright brothers, first successful transatlantic flight across the Atlantic, by Charles Lindbergh, the civil rights movement in the 1960 and the landing on the moon by Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin and Michael Collins on July 20, 1969, followed by the words of Neil Armstrong; The Eagle has landed. Many citys and towns rode a wave of prosperity and global demand for our products, education, America technology, American innovation and most important, our civil liberties. The term “American made” had meaning, and carried with it a genuine pride that was uniquely ours. Most important, our success was largely determined by how hard we worked and our commitment to each other, no matter what race, color or creed – certainly not by restrictive trade agreements, fractured alliances and divisive political agendas. Today, our city faces many challenges. The good news is that solutions to our challenges are available; we don’t need to be in bankruptcy, and we don’t need to simply hope that change will happen. We have the people, resources and the know-how to fix our problems. Despite these advantages, though, nothing happens without the great people of Yonkers getting involved. I am personally investing my time and effort by uniting our elected officials, both sides of the isle, to Our Road to Victory. I made the decision, with the strong support of family, friends and community members, that my business and political experience with the Alliance of Americans for America would benefit our City of Yonkers, our State of New York, our Nation and most important, our Children. I believe, for the good of our country, If you are an American Corporation, with a corporate seal of the United States, and you are in the manufacturing business, than that plant should be housed within the 50 states of our country, employing Americans. As the founder of the Alliance of Americans for America, I have passionately focused for years on creating good paying jobs in America, and ensuring we support products and services made here in our country. As a resident of the city of Yonkers, this is one of many issues I had focus on. I firmly believe this is a key factor for Yonkers, the State of New York, our Nation, creating a renewed interest and influx of energy into our local economy. Companies focused on emerging technologies, disruptive new products and other growing segments of industry have been flourishing overseas while Americans and Unions are heading to the chopping block. A Time for Accountability! Every individual in America has bear witness to the effects of the damaging free trade laws that has been bestowed on the American people. Free trade has led Americans to a road block. Poverty across our Nation has hit a critical standpoint unlike anytime in our history. There are more people on the poverty line than the depression era of 1929. Our political leaders are inept in there leadership; concerning, the needs, the interest, the hardships and triumphs of the American people. Its a sad time in America. Like so many of my fellow Americans I am frustrated with, and in some cases ashamed of, our elected representatives in Congress and the White House. With a government shutdown that was in effect, a National debt ceiling debate at a near standstill, turmoil in the Middle East, the outlook for economic growth in 2015 is not a pretty picture. What is often lost in all the finger-pointing and political posturing is the lost momentum, and the embedding of uncertainty, in our nations business community, our political system and broader global ecosystem. The media does not make it easier to discern truth. We are treated to reports about unemployment, business growth, the overall strength of our economy and foreign National affairs that are inherently misleading – comparing todays lack luster results with opportunistic benchmarks established during the darkest hours of our economy. Most individuals, families and businesses are in a holding pattern. With so much uncertainty about the future combined with the instability created by Washington, the risks are simply to great to aggressively invest in starting a business, creating new jobs or simply raising the economic outlook of existing employees. I know this because I am a business owner. I face these issues every day not as a politician, but as someone with a group of loyal employees with families who count on me. During my campaign for City Council President in Yonkers, New York, I stated many times that good paying jobs, education and real commitment to transparency in government are all necessary critical path items for long-term recovery and growth. These are fundamentals that drove our position as the greatest country in the world; the political, cultural and economic envy of nations around the globe. These principals apply at every level of our economy, local, state or national. Our elected officials seem to have lost that focus and sentiment, opting instead to engage in partisan politics and self-gratifying showboating on Capital Hill. Its at times like these I am urging all of you, hard-working Americans, to remember distinctly the behaviors and actions of your elected officials. Take a long, hard look at your Congressional representatives and what they are doing to break the stalemate, and their ability to refocus the conversation on whats important to you and your community. Look at how they vote on the issues, and compare that to the reality you and your family experience every day. Remember what you see at election time and vote appropriately – its the only way real change will ever be achieved. Hold them accountable for their actions. With so much traditional and social media hitting us every day, I know its easy to move on and forget exactly how a particular issue made you feel. However, given the current behavior exhibited by our elected federal officials, Im urging you to remember. Many Congressional seats are up for election this November (2014) and the opportunity to change Washington will be very real, so please ensure your voice is heard and take action. As a taxpayer, business owner and concerned citizen I can promise you I will be doing just that, and I hope you join me in the effort. As an Honorary member of Teamsters Local 456 and a Signatory member of Teamsters Local 210 and Signatory member of Elevators Constructors Local One (1) we need to make sure a significant number of those companies (and jobs) make their way back to our city (Yonkers) and Nation. Through aggressive tax incentives, revamping the free trade laws, imposing tariffs on outsource goods, creative use of the talent pool through the residents in the city of yonkers, solid investments by financially stable investors and developers, we will be able to focus on our educational needs for our children, service and health needs for our seniors, our deteriorated infrastructure, raises for our strongest teamsters, bravest firefighters, and civil employees that havent received a raise in nearly six long years, we can once again make our City of Yonkers a proud center of innovation along with the hope and possibility of lowering our home owners property taxes. Too often we allow unstable investors without the financial backing to invests in Yonkers. In many cases these developers seek assistance from the city and state independent developing agencies on the back of the tax payers. If they go under or the project isnt finish the tax payers become the losers and end up holding the bag (loss). We need solid investors to develop in Yonkers. We dont need investors to promise us a hope and dream on tax payers money and than still get tax incentives for moving into yonkers. This is not good business but a risk on the tax payers back. Tax breaks yes, but they need to have the financial resources to invest in yonkers so yonkersites dont pick up the tap if they go out of business or arent able to complete the project. Also our municipality should put out to every prospective project to perspective developers an RFP (request for proposal). Too often prospective developing projects are handed out to friends with the IDA (Industrial Development Agency) grants. This method needs to stop. Nepotism must come to an end in Yonkers. We also need renderings, cost effect, overruns, penalties if projects arent completed on time if public grants are used. We also need to know the gain advantage for the tax payer and municipality once the project is built for the developer while tax incentives are given to attract these growing companies. We will help, offer the best possible tax proposal, but it also must meet the needs of the municipality and the residents of Yonkers. We also need to make sure there’s a solid base of jobs outside of technology – jobs that can provide a solid, stable and secure income for our citizens. This includes a revitalization of the retail, manufacturing and civil service segments of our job base. While Mr. Spano election as our mayoral leader should be complimented, his position should not be mistaking as a job, but a mission to explore every opportunity to secure the resources available from the state of the New York, the Federal Government and private investors to infuse the residents of Yonkers with sustainable projects that will benefit our communities and municipality while respecting our natural resources and lifestyle. I also believe new blood should be installed in our leadership for the elected position as Yonkers Mayor in supporting the simple but effective task of optimizing the resources we already have, the nearly two hundred thousand residents that fuel our city with ingenuity, technology, vision; all leading to prosperity to every available resident with the hope of continuing the American dream. It’s also important that we have the topic of education on our agenda. Much of our long-term success is dependent on educating our children, and that means we need to generate a new level of fresh ideas and people to lead our school system forward. I truly believe that good paying jobs and education are the key to success, and always have been. Good paying Jobs built America’s strength, and empower cities like ours that make up the majority of our national infrastructure. Good paying Jobs fuel our tax base, funds investments we desperately need in education and infrastructure, and gives us the economic muscle we need to build a sustained recovery right here, in Yonkers and throughout our County. The Free Trade Agreements must be revamped, along with its loopholes allowing American Corporations to leave our home land, settling on foreign land, manufacturing goods, re-directing its merchandise back to the United States of America. As an American manufacturer my-self, I truly believe, if you want to sell a product here, it should be made here in America. If an American manufacturer decides to settle its wings abroad, then they should be outlining a method to cater to that particle geographic area regarding its consumers. Let them open up manufacturing plants abroad for the sole purpose of catering to the areas geographic consumers. Its not that I am against free trade, I am against the unfettered free trade. American corporations leaving our home land, making deals with foreign governments, throwing Americans on the street, for the sole reason of cheap labor, avoiding labor laws, escaping regulatory regulations, including environmental laws, and the greed and pursuit of the almighty dollar. I also believe if these American Corporations who seek the support of our elected officials, our servicemen in uniform, and the American consumer, then I believe, for the good of our country, If you are an American Corporation, with a corporate seal of the United States, and you are in the manufacturing business, than that plant should be housed within the 50 states of our country, employing Americans. The future for tomorrows leaders, (Americas future leaders), concerning our children today, is probably the most important issue any parent, political and / or labor leader should be addressing today. Did we not learn how our nation became the greatest country ever? It was thru hard work, ingenuity, innovation, and a vision.....everyone pitching in; building our nation thru the sweat of our ancestors merits. Thru the sweat of our ancestors, came a nation that future generations were supposed to thrive on. Instead, we are giving away our resources, technology, and most important American Ingenuity. What good is free trade when millions of Americans are left on the unemployment and poverty lines. Today we have a debt that is approaching 18 an trillion dollars threshold. (18 thousand billion). This number is absurd. How can a nation of so called educated leaders allow this horrific debt to incur on us and especially our children. What was the sense of building a nation, especially thru industrialization, and then allowing thousand of corporations along with its investors and shareholders to close up shop in our country, throw Americans on the street, for the sole purpose of escaping regulatory regulations, cheap labor, benefits that are associated with labor, and most important, revenue taxes. All this is destroying our nation. How can corporate individuals, who love this nation, live and thrive here, allow our nation to go into default. How can they expect our political leaders, our military, and especially the American consumer to support them. Free trade needs to be revamped. Again, I am not against free trade, but allowing Americans to be thrown onto the streets, so the wings of capitalism can settle on foreign land is just not American. We need Americans to stand on the sweat of their own merits. Jobs, economy, and the right to make a living should be our politicians 1st. concern. We need to mobilize our economy again. We do not need a tune-up. We need to overhaul our economy. We need to bring American Manufacturing and American Industry back to our nation. Since the signing of these free trade agreements; enacted and signed by our former legislators, the loopholes allowing American Corporation to settle on foreign land, for the sole purpose to manufacturer goods, re-directing its merchandize back to our home land, is not free trade. That is American Corporations selling our country out for the sake of The Almighty Dollar. What good is cheap, when millions of Americans cant afford cheap. I truly believe the loopholes that allows thousands of American Corporations to leave our homeland because of the enacted free trade agreements need to be revamped. The other side of the coin that no one is talking about these so called developing nations are dumping toxins into our rivers, seas, oceans, land fills, polluting our atmosphere without any environmental regulations. In essence, not only we are loosing our base as the strongest economic nation on earth with a negative approaching 18 trillion in the United States, but we are destroying our planet. The toxins in the atmosphere are already approached our shores, rain acid in raining upon is, our atmosphere is polluted, our live stock is being containment, our fish is full of toxins and bacterials. If the United States went totally green, it wouldnt make a difference. When an apple starts to rot, does it matter what side of the apple rots, eventually the whole apple rots. We need to bring these jobs home two fold; 1) economic reasons. 2) environmental reasons, our Eco system and economic system is being devoured. In the meantime, we need to enticed American Corporations that left our homeland to come back to the Yonkers, Westchester, Putnam County and the United States of America. Our Goal should be as follows: A) To bring American Manufacturing / American Industry back to the United States, we need to..........., 1) Have taxes cut domestically for American Manufactures, Industries, Corporation, based and housed here in the United States, including real estate taxes. This will definitely enticed corporation to move back home. There are thousands of plants across our nation that are no longer occupied, perhaps abandoned, where real estate taxes are not collected anyway. 2) Tariffs on outsourced labor and products. 3) Regulations streamlines. 4) Bureaucratic clutter eliminated. 5) Trade barriers for exports knocked down. 6) Building trade unions recognizing American Manufacturing as a main source of American building products for installation. Today, building trade union members are installing products from other countries for the sole purpose of keeping members working. These products are being manufacturing abroad, escaping regulatory regulations, labor laws, taxes that were to be generated here, and most important, American Jobs in Rural America. As a signatory member of a Union my-self, I personally believe we should be putting in American goods manufactured here made by Americans, before installing products manufactured abroad, thereby escaping revenue that would have been generated if it was Made In America. 7) Install in the Presidents Cabinet a Secretary Of Industry / Manufacturing. This new post will entail a mission; to entice American Manufacturer Corporate Leaders to return back to the United States. His / Her mission will work with corporate leaders to inform them the benefits in returning American plants from overseas back to the United States. This mission would also entail working with political leaders in each state, working out the best possible tax breaks for these corporations that will come with bringing these jobs home. This position should not be mistaken as any job, but as a mission in bringing American Manufacturing and American Industry home. 8) Put in place in each State of the Union a Commissioner of Industry / Manufacturing. This new post will entail a mission; to entice American Manufacturer Corporate Leaders to set up shop in their own state. His / Her mission will work with corporate leaders, political leaders as well as labor leaders to inform them the benefits in returning American plants from overseas back to their own state. This mission would also entail working out the best possible tax breaks for these corporations that will come with bringing these jobs home. This position should not be mistaken as any job, but as a mission in bringing American Manufacturing and American Industry home. 9) Re-vamp the Free Trade Agreements. I believe If you want to sell it here.........THEN MAKE IT HERE. With the support of our political leaders along with labor leaders of this great nation; we look forward in your support bringing our nation together. We can continue to sit on the side lines and do nothing and hope for the best; or we can come together with a common goal; to reverse the destruction of our economy.... The more interest we can generate to the American public will benefit our Nations cause for a brighter future. I hope we will be able to brainstorm new and creative ideas to further educate the public the importance and needs of bringing American Manufacturing, American Industry along with American labor back to our country. What this country needs (USA) is an army of workers, employees, employers, united, generating goods and services, igniting a fire of wealth, thus turning our nation into an engine of prosperity. Admirers of globalization contend that free access to foreign markets and cheap labor increase corporate profits and thereby benefit the U.S. economy. While this argument may superficially sound compelling, it ignores the dangerous long-term effects of manufacturing losses. In reality, outsourcing makes Americans poorer over time, because Americas wealth and technology slowly migrate to other nations. If America does not manufacture and sell goods, then money only leaves the country. The U.S. now imports twice as much as it exports. This has resulted in a trade deficit that has ballooned to an unprecedented $800-850 billion on an annualized basis. Unfortunately, this trend shows no signs of abating. Every time an American manufacturer closes and then reopens abroad, that foreign country gains American technology. Not having to spend resources developing technology, foreigners can focus on improving or beating it. The importance and need of American Manufacturing is a vital part of our countrys economy. I believe it is the blood flow of any nations revenue. We are a fortunate and blessed Nation. I believe, if we start to manufacturer goods once again in this country; merchandise that we use everyday, whether its clothing, appliances, machinery, household goods, the clothing on our backs, the items American people uses everyday, then, I believe our Nation can put millions of Americans back to work, generating goods and services, igniting a fire of wealth, ONCE AGAIN turning our Nation into an engine of prosperity. The Executive branch and Congress must make job creation and protecting our world Eco system there most important task By revamping the free trade laws bringing our jobs home, while controlling our world Eco system I believe our nations debt and environmental calamity may be cut in half and on the ROAD to a BRIGHTER FUTURE for us and our children here and throughout the world. I believe its time to get on with our country main objective; JOBS. and Environmental regulations here and abroad. Creating jobs in America should be out politicians 1st. concern, on both sides of the isle. Again, I will be a vocal advocate for aligning our economic agenda to critical co-investments in education. We are accountable for providing a strong future for our children – it is not something we should leave to the State or federal government to solve. Our citys current way of attracting development isnt working. We are not attracting enough good, high paying jobs with benefits, and we arent generating enough tax revenues to adequately fund our schools, increases for our firefighters, hard working teamsters, city employees after six long years without a raise, while inadequately rebuilding our infrastructure. This is why Im considering a run for Yonkers Mayor. We need to try something different, and offer the people a bold new vision for a brighter future. Having said this, running a municipality requires a lot of ingenuity, vision, an itinerary, long hours and dedication. Otherwise, hang it up. Our future happens when we all get involved. But remember. Past Performances Equals Future Promises Honorary member of Teamsters Local 456 Elmsford, NY Signatory member of teamsters Local 210 New York, NY Signatory member Elevator Constructors ALocal 1 New York, NY NAESA International member QEI Certified Elevator Inspector Certification No. C-4076 NYC Witnessing Elevator Agency Director - License No. 506001 President, Parkline Elevator Inspections 605 West 47th. Street New York, NY, 10036 212-247-7142 Candidate for Yonkers Mayor 2016
Posted on: Thu, 02 Oct 2014 00:18:48 +0000

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