Road trip! ~the wedding episode one~ ((NOTE: I know, I said I - TopicsExpress


Road trip! ~the wedding episode one~ ((NOTE: I know, I said I was going to draw it but I have the biggest case of artists block so yeah!))) ((Also I’m doing episodes)) Ohmigosh! I can’t believe that we’re going to California! Victoria squealed in joy. I know right! Vanessa replied as she stuffed her bag in the van. I’m so happy they let Joshua and Neal come along! Victoria said grabbing her other bags from the porch. One hole week! No school, no cold Oregon weather, no snow! Just warm California beaches and sunshine! Vanessa said happily. Hey guys! Neal and Joshua said wile pulling all they’re luggage with them. Are you ready for a 16 hour road trip? Vanessa said happily. 16 HOURS!? The guys said outload. Yep! 16 hours in dads van! Victoria said, leaning on the van. Don’t lean on the van the father said. Yes dad Victoria said, getting off of the van. The boys got they’re luggage in the van and every body got in. Okay, is everybody buckled in? The mom said looking back from her seat. Yep! The four said together Has everybody got they’re luggage in? The mother asked again. *sigh* yes! The four said again, just wanting to hit the road. Has everybody went potty? The mom asked, just trying to get on they’re nerves. YES!!! They all screamed. That’s good! Let’s get on the road! The mom said. After all 16 hours of driving, everybody was there. Should we wake them up? The mom said when they parked in the lodge parking lot. Yeah, they are all almost 13 Jane, they can carry they’re own luggage and walk the the room them selves the father said, opening the van door witch caused the lights I. The van to turn on witch woke the gang up. Hmm wah??? Victoria said, winching her eyes open from the bright light. OH MY GAWD GUYS WE’RE HERE!!! Vanessa screamed, seeing the lodge, in its woodyness awesomeness. Yep! This is where the wedding is! We’re staying here! Its where the whole family is staying! On Scotts side and ours! The dad said, putting down some luggage. Its wonderful! And, OMG A POOL! Vanessa screeched. Gosh girl, its midnight! Can you hold it down? The family is inside trying to sleep! The father said right after Vanessa Screeched. The family soon put they’re luggage up and got into they’re rooms and passed out. Exploring the lodge ~The wedding episode two~ *Gasp!* “It’s the wedding day!” Vanessa said happily the second she woke up. “The window is open, So’s that door!” Vanessa sang wile running out of her room in a fancy dress. “I didn’t know they did that anymore! Who knew we had many family members!” She sang, Wile holding the hand of one of her baby cuzs as she past by one of her aunts. “For years iv played out in the sun, Now i can do it with cousins! Finally I’m able to have fun!” She sang into the dining, Making everyone Confused as they ate breakfast. “I’ll meet some new people! It’ll be totally strange But wow, am I so ready for this change?” She sang until she was outside, Playing on the playground swings. “‘Cause for the first time in forever! They’ll be music, They’ll be light! For the first time in forever! I’ll be dancing through the night!” She sang, This time in the living room. ” Don’t know if I’m elated or gassy, But I’m somewhere in that zone! ‘cause for the first time in forever! I won’t be alone!” She sang, Next to Joshua. *Gasp!* “What if we have a moonlight dance?” Vanessa says to Joshua before walking off before he could answer. After all that singing. “Vanessa, It’s not Sunday…” Victoria said to Vanessa after all that singing. “oh… OKAY WE’LL TRY THAT AGAIN ON SUNDAY GUYS!” Vanessa said, Then screamed to let everybody know that they’ll do it again. (I’ll do part two tonight or tomorrow. lol Anybody get the Swimming... Erm... Adventure ~the wedding episode three~ ((I’m going to do Victoria singing Elsa’s solo in “for the first time in forever” song because I wanted to, then we get to the episode)) ((also, for this part of the song… Pretend its the wedding day THEN back to the episode mkay? Good!)) Don’t let them in, don’t let them see. Be the girl you always have to be. Put on a show~ one wrong move and everyone will know~ Victoria sings as she prepares for the part as a bridesmaid. But its only for today~ She then sang. Its only for today! Vanessa sang after. So it has to be today~ victoria sang. Has to be today! Vanessa joined in after. SO TELL THE GUYS TO OPEN UP… THE GATES Victoria sang, epicly. The gates! Vanessa then sang. ((And back to our program!)) ERMAHGAWD VICTORIA WAKE UP!!! THERES A POOL CALLING OUR NAMES!!! Vanessa shook Victoria awake. “Frick off, I’m trying to sleep” Victoria groans before sleeping back into a ball. “Oh that’s cold!” Vanessa says. “That’s it…” Vanessa says wile walking off isight. he kitchen to make a bowl of cereal and put some catnip in it. Hey Victoria, I’m really sorry for waking you up… So I made you this! Vanessa says, bringing in a tray of breakfast. “Hmm?” Victoria peeks out from her ‘Warmth kacoon’. “Ooh! That’s looks yummy!” Victoria says, spotting the bacon, cereal, eggs and the glass of milk. “What did you do to it?” Victoria says sternly. “Wahh? Me? Do something to your breakfast? Victoria I am ashamed in you!” Vanessa says, trying not to sound guilty. “Eeh, what ever…” Victoria says before drinking\lapping her milk. ~~HALF AN HOUR LATER~~ Yep, Victoria was hyper… What else did you aspect? Her eyes were wide, starry and gleamy. Really cute ya know? I can see the face of god~~~ Victoria said, lying down on her stomach, with her tail just I’m her sight. She was on the floor and playful as ever. Shh Vanessa shhd, wile guiding the boys to Victoria’s room. Look at that guys! *bursts out in laughter* she’s acting so funny its like, AHHAHAHA Vanessa said before bursting out in laughter a second time. Wow, you did this? Neal asked Vanessa. “Yep! Sure did! Cute ain’t it?” She replied and elbowed him along with a eyebrow wiggle. Neal blushed when she said that. She WAS pointing out the truth after all. “Oh and watch this! Hey Victoria!” She said, wile holding up Victoria’s swim suite. “Wanna go swiming?” Victoria perked up from her pile of cloths she drug and and started digging into. “Yeah!” Is all Victoria replied with as she grabbed her swimsuit and went into the bath room to change. “Wow! You’d expect her to scratch you all up when you use catnip on her but, she’s not?” Neal said, Very Confused. “When ever I do this, She always up for everything!” Vanessa says with glee. The herd the bathroom door open and saw Victoria in her swimsuit. It was like a very tall tankinni. Still a bukinni but not this shaped ones. It was black strapped and multi shades of blue diamond checkered. The top of it was shaped like a sports bra now let’s get off this topic. How do I look? Victoria said, showing off her new swimsuit. Neal couldn’t help but blush and saying… Wait for it… GOOD, GOD YOUR BEAUTIFUL!!! Neal said, embarrassed and blushing the deepest shade of Red. Vanessa and Joshua laughed they’re heads off then. Victoria managed to hide her tail really well and make her feet\paws look normal. “How’d you do that?” Vanessa said, very confused. “I learned how to in a book! Work I progress but it. Works!” Victoria replies. AT THE POOL It didn’t take to long for the nip to were off and victoria started flipping out when she was wet and she had just jumped off the diving bored (oh snap!) Fear struck her, she was on the high dive and almost at the water. VANESSA IM GONNA FRIKKEN KILL YOU!!! Victoria screamed at the top of her lungs as she hit the water. It was a nightmare for her. It felt like she was in the middle of the ocean, just about drowning. Like the cold freezing rain of a war rained down on her. All she could see was water, surrounding her. As if she was in the middle of Japan when the tsunami hit. As if she was on dry land then Ia moment later, as if she was drowning. She was seeing horrible images when she was in the water. Oh crud Vanessa said as they swam over to her. Guys, she’s not moving! She’s not moving!!! Vanessa started to scream as they all pulled her up onto the patio. “Crud! Crud! Crud! Crud! Crud!!! My moms gonna kill me!” Vanessa panicked. “That doesn’t matter know guys! Is she breathing tho?” Neal asked, still worried as frick. Vanessa checked to see if she was breathing. “N-no…” Vanessa felt like this was all her fault. And it was. “Okay, any of you know CPR?” Neal waited for one of them to answer. “Really?” Neal gave them a dull look. He did CPR on Victoria, but it wasn’t mouth to mouth. It wasn’t working… “Oh no…” Neal said under his breath. He had to do it or shell be gone. Aaand he did it. (Wooh! Getting steamy here!) Victoria woke up to seeing Neal doing mouth to mouth. (Guys help I’m gonna squill!) She coughed up some water and sat up. “Neal you totally saved my life!” Victoria smiled and then she hugged him tight. Neal blushed like crazy from both doing mouth to mouth on his crush and being hugged by her. “I-its no problem really! You’d do the same for me right?’ Neal said, voice cracking as he stutered. IN THE LODGE LIVING ROOM Victoria was drying her hair after changing out of her swimsuit. “Wow that was crazy right?” Victoria said, kind of let down seeing Vanessa with her face in her knees. “What’s wrong?” Victoria asked, hoping for a answer. “*sniff* y-YOU COULD OF DIED AND ITS ALL MY FAULT! I NEARLY GOT YOU KILLED AND YOUR ACTING AS IF NOTHING HAPPENED? I CANT BELIEVE YOU TODAY!!! JUST GET OUT OF MY LIFE!!!” Vanessa screams and runs off to her room at the lodge. “Yeesh. Harsh…” Is all Victoria responded with. “Should we go, you know, do something about that or?” Joshua asked. “Nope. Don’t bother her. Whenever she gets in this mood you want to stay away from her at all costs.” Victoria replied. “Remember that tip!” Victoria added. The urge ~the wedding episode four~ ((yet another frozen song refrence Victoria was waiting for Vanessa to calm down after what happened yesterday. It was hard getting her to calm down with what happened. Vanessa? Victoria asked like how Grown up Anna did in ‘do you want to build a snowman?’ We haven’t seen you since when you stormed off yesterday. People been asking where you’ve been~ they say ‘Have courage’ but I’m trying to, I’m right out here for you, Just let me in~ you are my sister, its just you and me, What are we gonna do? Can you please come outside? I want you to Because I miss you~ Victoria sang and leaned on the door, as well as Vanessa on the other side with tears running down her cheeks. Neal and Joshua were watching from behind a corner of a wall. “Man she’s really upset…” Joshua said as they stopped peaking from the corner. Vanessa shifted into her wolf form and looked outside. She needed to get out, she felt the urge to run away. There wasn’t really any forests in California but she still had the urge to go into someplace like it. THE LODGE, MIDNIGHT. Vanessa opened her door quietly trying not to wake anybody up. She realized Victoria fell asleep next to the door of her room. Victoria was snoring\purring as she was in a ball. Her talk wrapped around her and that’s what kept her warm for the night. “Wow” Vanessa thought to herself at the fact her sister stayed by the door waiting for her to come out. She smiled at the sight. She tiptoed through the halls until she was at the back yard. She shifted into a wolf and looked around. And then she spotted a garden. ‘Perfect!’ She thought to herself as she walked over to the garden. It had bushes, flowers, trees and everything! It wasn’t the woods but it was good enough. She walked around until she felt tired and was ready to come back at the lodge. One thing tho, she couldn’t see the lodge. She walked for about a wile and didn’t realize it! She shifted back into a human too see higher up. Nope, still nothing. She checked her watch and it read ‘3:00 AM’ ‘crud…’ Was all she thought. She didn’t remember which direction she went so that didn’t help one bit. THE LODGE, SEVEN AM. Victoria was the first to wake up, she needed some coffee. She brewed some coffee and took a sip of the wonderful drink. ‘Nothing like a cup of ‘Joe in the morning” She said then she sipped some more of the goodness. She finished her coffee then took a shower because the wedding was tonight so she wanted to be clean. After a shower she went to Vanessa’s room and told her it was time for her to shower. But there was no answer. She opened the door to see she was gone. “What the?” She said to herself. “Vanessa? You in here?” She asked to see if was in there to be sure. No answer. Joshua and Neal asked Victoria if she’d seen Vanessa, she just replied with a no and they all agreed to go look for her. The urge. Part two ~the wedding episode five~ Vanessa was lost in the woods, no memory of with direction she went. She was scared, tired and unsure of her location. She knew she was close but didn’t witch direction the lodge was in. MEANWHILE, ELSEWHERE. Vanessa?! Vanessa where are you? Victoria called out looking around to find her. You think she went back home about an hour ago? Joshua asked, hoping for a good Answer. “Not sure, but we gotta find her before tonight!” Neal answered. “Yeah because she and I are bridesmaids and my mom would kill me if she found out she’s lost…” Victoria said as she puffed out a sigh. The urge, Part three. ~The wedding episode 6~ As they were walking around in like a Field or meadow IDK Joshua Realized something. Adoi! Just got to find her scent I’m so stupid! Joshua said as he shifted into a wolf to get closer to the ground to find her scent. For once, He’s right… Victoria said as Joshua stared at her with a Offended look. just kidding! Victoria said, Not wanting to deal with this right now. MEANWHILE ELSEWHERE. Vanessa was scarred, But bored out of her mind. North, South, East or West? Witch way? Vanessa asked herself. MEANWHILE ELSEWHERE. Joshua sniffed around hoping that he would find her scent. The gang were stopped by a Park ranger yelling ‘Hey you kids’ Yes? May i help you? Victoria asked the ranger. No dogs in the park without a leash! The park ranger strictly said. O-Oh! Yeah um… We forgot one! Do you have any we can borrow? Neal asked the park ranger as Joshua felt offended by being a ‘dog’. Yeah, We have some that you have to return after your done at the park okay!? The park ranger said/yelled. Okay! fine Victoria said as she grabbed a Collar and leash. They put the things that were handed to them on Joshua as he just felt like growling at the ranger. Okay! its noon and the wedding starts at four. We got to hurry so we can clean up some more and get ready! Victoria explained as they walked around. Shh, guys i caught her scent Joshua said to Neal. ((they can under stand each other wolf or not)). They found her Just looking around in the middle of the park. Hey Vanessa! Come on we need to get ready for the wedding before Mom calls the cops once she realizes we’re gone! Victoria called out to Vanessa. Guys! Vanessa gasped as she saw them and hugged them as she was trying to hold back tears. Vanessa, MY GOD GIRL! YOU DIDN’T NEED TO FREAKING RUN AWAY LIKE THAT ITS LIKE, IM ALIVE GET OVER IT!!! Sorry i ahd to say that but i have to get you to listen Victoria said, Yelled, then said to Vanessa. Sheesh fine! Vanessa replied. then they walked back to get ready for the wedding The wedding day! !~The wedding episode seven~ Victoria was in her dress all ready for the wedding. Her hair was Nicely curled. She was doing some last minute research on easy ways to hide her ears and tail because she wasn’t in pants so she couldn’t hide it in one of the legs. And it wasn’t a long dress so that didnt help at all. She was thinking of wrapping it around her torso and keeping her ears down and maybe under her head band. She kept researching until a knock was on her door. She opened it to see a taco. The taco called her a freak witch her blood felt like it was boiling. She yelled at him and slammed the door on the taco. Same thing happened with grigsbyanthony... The wedding day! (Redo thing since I failed last night XD) ~the wedding episode six~ Victoria was ready for the wedding, she was in her Bridesmaids outfit and ready until she got called ‘Freak’ by a taco and a friend. She was angry at both of them and nearly transformed when one of her friends called her freak. The back of her, shoulders, lower back and upper were covered in fur and her eyes where all green and in thin slits. Her bite marks showed in a deepish red color and her claws and fangs were more sharp then ever. She looked in the mirror and saw herself. She couldn’t believe her eyes. She couldn’t believe that was her. “No, no no no no no!” She screamed and flopped on her bed. She Nealy transformed. This was new to her. She was scared and confused and didn’t know what to do. MEANWHILE, IN THE DRESSING ROOM AT THE CHURCH. Vanessa was helping Grace with her hair. Helping fixing some spots on her dress and helping with her makeup. “And I’m just about… done!” Vanessa said then handed a mirror to her cousin. “Wow!” Grace was in ah when she saw her hair and makeup. She looked like a model. “Shouldn’t Victoria be here?” Grace asked as she got up from her seat, putting on her veil as well. “Mom said she and Victoria needed to stay and help the little ones get ready!” Vanessa said as she parted her bangs. MEANWHILE, AT THE LODGE. Victoria was flipping through the pages of a book about werecats trying to find out why she Nealy transformed. She continued to look when Neal came in and saw Victoria. “Woah! What happened?” He nealed down seeing her on the floor reading many books about mythical creatures. “Neal! Thank god your hear! Something happened! I got mad and I fur grew on my shoulder and on my lower back and… Ugh!” She was Confused and didn’t know what to do. “Okay calm down!” Neal explained to her. “What? Calm down? HOW THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO CALM DOWN WHEN I LOOK LIKE THIS!!!” She screamed and her eyes went back to cat eyes and her claws went sharp again. “This happens a lot when werewolves or werecats get too angry, stressed, nervous or anything like that!” He said to her, trying to get her to calm down. “Its hard to stay calm when the wedding starts in half an hour and your a bridesmaid and… You get called a freak…” She runs her fingers through her hair and then starts to stroke her tail to calm down. “Yeah, I know… But things will get better!” He said to her, hoping it will make her feel better. “And see? The fur on your shoulders and neck are gone!” He pointed out as she saw. “Hey yeah!” She saw but was still stressed about the wedding. She leaned on his shoulder as she closed her eyes and tried to stay calm. They were leaning on the bed and it was silent for about 15 minutes. 15 MINUTES LATER. Neal looked at his watch and the wedding was going to start soon so he turned to Victoria and saw her sleeping on his Shoulder. He didn’t want to wake her up but he also didn’t want to be late. He shook her lightly to wake her up. ‘Hmm wah?” Victoria woke up from being shook. “The weddings going to start soon so we have to go.” Neal said to Victoria. “Oh right the wedding.’ Victoria said getting up then falling because she wasn’t fully awake yet. “Carey me?” Her muffled voice spoke from the carpet. He laughed lightly as he career her down the stares on his back. “Awe how cute!” Victoria’s mom said as she saw the two. Victoria fell back asleep but woke up when they got in the van. Victoria rubbed her eyes and realized that he carried her to the van and down the stares. AFTER THE ‘I DOS’ AND OTHER JUNK AT A WEDDING. It was 7 o, clock and getting dark. Everybody but Victoria and Neal were dancing. They watched as everybody was dancing and having a good time. Neal got up from his seat and went to Victoria. “Care to dance?” He asked as he held his hand out to her. “Ugh, sure.” She took his hand. They went to the dance floor and and danced to the fun, fast beat music. After 15 minutes the music went from fast, upbeat to slow, romantic music. The two started blushing when the music changed but they were having fun so they kept dancing. The DJ lowered his sunglasses. “Ladies, nows the time to get your men and vice versa” the DJ said as he turned on the slow dancing music. The two kept blushing until Neal asked Victoria if she wanted to dance with him. She hesitated for a bit to think but then managed to say “yes”. They danced to the slow moving music as he put his hands around her waits and as she put her arms around his neck. They kept dancing and after a wile they looked into each others eyes. “Its been a great night tonight! Don’t you agree?” Neal asked Victoria as she smiled. “Yeah!” She answered. They kept looking into each others eyes for a wile. It just felt right. Victoria rested her head on his shoulder as they continued to dance. They then stared back into each others eyes. Victoria felt safe. She felt nice inside for once. You know, ever since I got bit… I thought my life was over. But you showed me that I was going to be okay! That nothing would hurt me or change me truly! Victoria said with a grin. She had a lot to thank him for. With out him. She would go insane. “Yeah! I know things have been hard in your life and that you thought your world was just slipping through your fingers, but youth proved that every girl can be tough and strong.” Neal said to her as he kept staring into her eyes. A few minutes have passed and they have been staring into each others eyes for a wile now. Victoria stopped staring and felt she needed to tell him how she felt about him. Neal, there’s something I need to tell you… And I was always nervous you’d not want to be my friend anymore, because… Our friendship means everything to me and… If always liked you, not just as a friend, as something more! She explained then took a deep breath. If always, loved you! Okay I said it! She said that she loved very fast and tried to get it over with once and for all. I, I know, you may be creeper out or something and if you don’t want to be my friend anymore, I totally under stand! She said as a bit of fear, but relief came from getting the truth off of her chest. Neal looked at her scarred face. Her lifted her head a bit and looked at her. “Iv… Always felt the same way! If been scarred if you’d freak out or something!” He explained to her. They both just looked at each other and laughed. ‘So glad you didn’t flip out!” Victoria said to Neal. As they stared at each other again. “Come here ya big lug!” Victoria hugged him then kissed him on the lips. He kissed back then they came apart from each other. “Uh… Wow!..” Victoria said after that. She never kissed anybody before so that was new to them both. They both had a night of fun and enjoyed the rest of the wedding together. THE END!!! ((Wow! Thanks for staying with me guys! This was a 50+ follower special and I’m really happy for you all staying with me! Thank you for following guys! You all are awesome and amazing! Thanks for sticking with me!))
Posted on: Sat, 01 Feb 2014 19:42:16 +0000

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