Rob Brezsnyon the late great Robert Anton Wilson, whose works were - TopicsExpress


Rob Brezsnyon the late great Robert Anton Wilson, whose works were a big influence on me when I was a teenager. My first gig as a musician was, synchronistically, in the same venue where Illuminatus! was performed in London. The underlying principle of Robert Anton Wilsons philosophy is I know Im wrong, I want to be less wrong. This is very different to now, our current internet culture, where the underlying philosophy is Im right, and I want you to know that. And if you go onto any internet discussion, or debate, or things like that, you find people declaring certainties loudly, people with very fixed positions that they can express in 140 characters, that they hunker down and defend, and dont listen to anything else, and attempt to drown out all the others. Thats so different to Robert Anton Wilson: he believed – hang on, the word believe is difficult with Bob – he thought that what you believed imprisoned you, he thought convictions create convicts. His philosophy can be called multiple-model agnosticism. Thats not just agnosticism about God, thats agnosticism about everything.
Posted on: Thu, 07 Nov 2013 09:42:59 +0000

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