Rob Reiner Compares The Tea Party to Hamas, Calls for Its - TopicsExpress


Rob Reiner Compares The Tea Party to Hamas, Calls for Its Elimination... Yawnnnnnnnn! If you are not a liberal at twenty, you have no heart and if you are not conservative at thirty, you have no brain. ~ Francois Guisot (Later adapted by Winston Churchill) Archie Bunker had good reason to refer to Rob Reiner as “Meathead” and once again after hearing this stupidity come out of Reiners mouth, you are reminded of why he did! First, I wasnt going to bother with this story because Ive gotten to the point that I really could care less what lying liberal leftist have to say about anything! Their policies and fairytale utopian visions are failures... ALWAYS! But, sometimes when the left says something this stupid, you should attempt to correct their stupidity simply because comparing anyone to Islamo Nazis or even Hitler, demeans the pure evil that comes from those groups. Hollywood director and liberal activist Rob Reiner told talk-show host (insert jokes here) Larry King that the Tea Party is like the terrorist group Hamas, because apparently both groups are extreme and cannot be negotiated with, and the only solution is to make them go away or “eliminate” them. The refreshing thing about listening to liberals compare Islamofascist Hamas to the pro-liberty Tea Party is that it is the only time you will hear them criticize Muslims. And like always, our political situation looks unfamiliar from inside Reiner’s liberal funhouse: “You look at the Congress right now in the United States, you’ve got a strong Tea Party group controlling the whole country, because they have a gridlock, they have a gridlock, stranglehold on Boehner. Boehner can’t make a move, and so for that reason, nothing gets brought up in the Congress.” m.cnsnews/news/article/michael-w-chapman/rob-reiner-likens-tea-party-hamas In reality, the Tea Party has minimal influence on the Republican establishments Mumbles Boehner. Plenty gets through the House, but it is all left to die in Harry Reid’s Senate unless it serves Obama’s radical agenda. Thats why when you hear Dear Leader say its a Do Nothing Congress and Ill have to act on my own... know that the man is lying to your face! Example: see the 356 bills sitting on Reids desk that he refuses to take a vote on: theblaze/stories/2014/08/01/do-nothing-congress-house-passed-more-than-350-bills-that-sit-on-harry-reids-desk-says-congresswoman/ By the way, Does Meathead forget the peace-loving Hamas endorsed Dear Leader in 2008 with his then Propaganda Minister David Axlerod saying he was flattered by their endorsement? weeklystandard/weblogs/TWSFP/2008/04/obama_campaign_flattered_by_ha.asp Sounds like Meathead is trying to smear the good name of Hamas by comparing them with a group that has dared to oppose Dear Leader. Such blasphemy should be met with either a short 50-year stint in Siberia or subject to some of the peaceful punishments meted out by the peaceful Dear Leader-loving Hamas. Here’s where Meathead gets ominous: “So anytime you’re dealing with an extreme group, you cannot negotiate with them, and they way to do it is to eliminate it,” said Reiner. “With the Tea Party, you have to go through a political thing, you have to wait till 2020 to redistrict, but, uh, that is really tough stuff.” hotair/archives/2014/08/15/rob-reiner-like-hamas-the-tea-party-must-be-eliminated/ If redistricting doesn’t make adherents to the country’s founding principle of limited government disappear, maybe the liberal establishment should try concentration camps. One final note.... If you take anything liberals tell you at face value even after they sold us Barack Obama, Trayvon Martin, global warming, and now Michael Brown, you would be well advised to let more competent relatives handle your financial affairs. And for the jackass Rob Reiner... Do You Really Know WHAT the Tea Party Is? I doubt it. longversion.wordpress/2013/10/18/do-you-really-know-what-the-tea-party-is-i-doubt-it/ Tea Party Demonstrations More Peaceful Than Anti War Demonstrations rationalnationusa.blogspot/2010/04/tea-party-demonstrations-more-peaceful.html And who is Hamas? Who are Hamas? In 60 seconds... Hamas Are Terrorists, and Gaza is Not a Democracy... algemeiner/2014/08/04/hamas-are-terrorists-and-gaza-is-not-a-democracy/ Now stop being such a meathead!
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 12:51:47 +0000

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