Rob Skiba, I listened to your Q4T program 21 & 22. To quote - TopicsExpress


Rob Skiba, I listened to your Q4T program 21 & 22. To quote Chuck Missler, The greatest barrier to information is the assumption that you already have it. It seems like you already have your mind made up. Professing you are on a quest for truth implies you are still seeking it and your mind is not made up. I hope youre still open minded enough to honestly consider what I am writing. I do agree that there is no evidence that the WHR is the AC neither is there any evidence the 1st Seal is the beginning of the 70th Week (although you still both use the ambiguous term trib). I agree, the Revelation plays out over a much longer period of time than just seven years and that is a factor in the mechanics of the Scroll. I noticed that you made casual reference to our arguments here on FB that included you, Doug, myself and others. I think that is healthy to bring in ALL aspects for discussion in that it provides a contrast of opinion which allows others to make up their own minds. That is the true quest for truth. You and I disagree with the identity of the characters of the Seals, although we do agree that the 1st and 2nd are open and the 3rd Seal, the financial calamity is next. I call the Seals The Beginning of Sorrows you call them birth pangs so in that regard were on the same page too. My biggest question for you and Doug is WHY is the timeline as you say instead of how it is actually written? Im not looking for an explanation of how you think its the way you say, three tellings buy WHY would you change it from how it is written? I think there is severe danger in doing that and I advise extreme caution. I agree with Chuck Missler and Doug that The Scroll is a Title Deed to the Earth, and Missler goes into some interesting supporting detail. But I digress. However, your discussion of the mechanics of the Scroll as if the seven Seals are across the opening edge makes no sense. How then could the scroll be read? It says the seal is opened, not broken. The way you are describing it is the scroll is still unopened until all seven are broken. The Scroll is a linear device. Try a little experiment at home with some paper written on the front and back coiled around a spool. Using some candle wax put seven seals across the leading edge as you say and see how you can get to what is written inside. You cant. Your assumption also assumes that a seal does not cover the whole width of the paper. What is the point of having seven seals across the leading edge when one seal will accomplish the same thing? Is God redundant or worried that one seal of His will not be enough to prevent unauthorized access? It is in His hand and it says the worthiness of the recipient is the only thing sufficient for Him to hand it over for opening. It is only to be opened by a man who is found worthy, the Lamb, our Kinsman Redeemer, He alone can redeem the Scroll. The way you and Doug are describing it, nothing happens until all seven seals are opened. Why then didnt John just say that all seven were broken then it was opened, read, and the things happened? Lets use a similar analogy of a three-lock box that requires three different keys to open. What sense would it make to have each lock keyed the same? Three different locks keyed differently with only one key to only one lock given to three different people will require that all three people be in agreement to open the box and access what is inside. There is only One key to open that lock, on the Scroll, not seven. Now repeat that experiment. This time as the paper is rolled up, place a wax seal on the inside surface at an interval as it is curled up. Roll up, place wax seal, roll some more, another wax seal etc., until the final (which will now be the 1st Seal opened) is at the outside leading edge of the coiled scroll. See which one makes more sense when you open the seals to read what is written further in. The point of The Revelation is that it is not all at once, it is incremental. And the reason for that is to give mankind time to consider and repent. The internal seals create a pause, a Selah to let each event described soak in and take effect. I think youre going to run into a credibility problem when you reach the 7th Seal, because the middle judgment series of ALL seven Trumpets are in it. The Trumpets have an effect on 1/3, whereas the LAST series, the Bowls, the effect is 100% The Seals are called the Seals, the Trumpets are called the Trumpets and the Bowls are called the Bowls. However you and Doug are calling the Seals the Trumpets, and calling the Seals the Bowls. Where do you get the authorization to change the nomenclature for Gods Judgments? You use the word obey a lot, I suggest this is a place to put it into practice. Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it; for the time is near. Revelation 1:3 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book. Revelation 22:18-19 The Rapture is in R7, Pre-Trumpets. P.S. On a technical note there were several times when your voice was broken up and Dougs end was completely silent. Not sure if that was at your end or mine.
Posted on: Fri, 27 Jun 2014 17:31:33 +0000

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