Robert Potter 17 hrs My Response to someone who asked me a - TopicsExpress


Robert Potter 17 hrs My Response to someone who asked me a question: Why are the ETs talking to the “Bad guys’ in our government they dont really represent us” 1) Because they are still our Accepted representatives and they want be welcomed to share with us interplanetary cultural exchange with the open and publicly accepted blessing of those supposed leaders. 1a) This situation is very complex and the above is only partially true 2) They know the leadership is corrupt but the ET/Supra Luminal Dimensionals feel if they can just reach them they can illuminate their thinking and bring about a more edcated viewpoint of what needs to be done. AND THEY HAVE A BACK UP PLAN! They hold a trump card…….love and Truth. 2a This education process has been met with great success in some areas of their initial contacts. The positive military personel in all disciplines have joined spiritual oriented benevolent forces. They are working directly side by side physically in joint ET human operations to liberate the planet from the implanted humans in the earths power structures that have sold our earth and all us down the river to tyrannical ET Forces. Earth human intelligence, military, science, financial and political arenas have been suppported in SLOWLY AND GRADUALLY wresting control from the hostile forces in the earth military and political societal infra structure. This has been ULTRA TOP SECRET to protect those agents of light in their missions which have laid a SOLID foundation behind the scenes in a series of actions unknown to the public for over 60 years. Certain aspects of this plan the light worker ET agarthan interaction has been in some cases going on for over thousands of years.If spiritual initiates and spurious virtuous humans from the entire populace were counted. Suffice to say the there are many good guys who have sacrificed much over a very long time. The secrecy regarding this struggle for control has been neccessary to sheild the general public from loss of life and general chaos outbreaks which may have led to bloodshed. This is no longer the case and we have all been cleared to Release all information except for ongoing operations. So the time of change is now upon us and we must do our part. If this information and the complex situation is not understood in its entirety and have the publics awareness of the general plan of liberation as well as their consent, it will be much more difficult. We are now at a level planetarily speaking where we are educated enough and can concieve of the situation and what will be required to effect positive change. The quarantine situation has improved and it felt that there will not be too many detrimental effects by bringing the general population on board as to the true nature of the hostile invasion. This taking it to the public has been ongoing since the late 50’s when the worlds govts. rejected offers of open inter-planetary cultural exchange. The more out there truths which have bought evidence and indictments of criminal conspiricy by certain key individuals is finaling sinking in to the general populaces understanding. This type education has been going on in earnest since the early 1980s. Ever increasing levels of inside intelligence and exposure of the ET political situation and interaction with earth and her peoples has been ongoing for many years now. Because this has had to be “leaked” or revealed one whistleblower at a time has damaged the credibility of the information to a certain extent. Unfortunately the people are still barely awakening to the TRUTH from their slumber of censored media. We are on the side of light o the other hand are now reaching critical mas and very soon the Event and many other similar gradual powerful revelations will transform mankind with the truth. Be at peace, stay vigilant, be prepared and know that love IS the answer V Rob Potter ps the video is just more evidence.... a bit slow but wait for it.....wait for it respect he is very old but the intel is correct and supports my assertions above
Posted on: Fri, 02 Jan 2015 00:30:28 +0000

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