Robert... Robert, I agree with you. The PC that followed 9/11 - TopicsExpress


Robert... Robert, I agree with you. The PC that followed 9/11 which said, you cant say anything about Islam or you are an Islamaphobe is partially responsible for the very acutely critical condition the world is in today. Islam is a religion which has taken a very radical turn. Those Muslims who are not radical are not standing out against the extremists in a manner that stops these radical upstarts before they get to the place of having a following. PC is the same thing that will turn a blind eye to the group in MO yesterday that said something to the effect of, Only loot and destroy businesses owned by whites, not by blacks. If a group of white people did that they would be labeled Nazis and racist, and they would be charged with hate crimes. What if the people in Hickory reacted that way when the young black thug, Odious Odom who raped and killed Maggie Daniels? What if whites rioted and said attack stores and businesses owned and operated by blacks? It would be all over the news and the people would be charged with every hate crime on the law books. There would be accusations of KKK involvement, etc. etc. Ive yet to understand how destroying local businesses and stealing and looting has to do with honoring anyones life!!!! It seems more to me like scum of the lower scum levels using the tragedy to have an excuse to steal and destroy. How disrespectful of the young mans family to say with actions, Im gonna get me a 55 TV and some wheels for my ride...and that honors your sons life how? So I think that it si time to put away things that encumber the Truth...things like Political correctness. We need to bring back true Freedom of Speech and we need to bring back the 10 Commanments and we need to insist that school teachers have a certain standard of morals and we need to bring back Christian values to schools. If the public schools dont want to provide a safe and moral place for our kids to be taught then we need to boycott public achools. Local churches using parents and grandparents need to offer free/or donation based Christian schools for the church members children...and them work to change laws so that the parents get a voucher to pay for the school of their choice...even if it is to home school or private school. Christians need to unite... and we need to stand against those things that make war on the Church and Islam, like radical political groups, like false political correctness which really is just the suppression of freedom of speech and expression.
Posted on: Tue, 12 Aug 2014 00:15:39 +0000

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