Robert Roberts reveals why Peter was called “Satan” . . - TopicsExpress


Robert Roberts reveals why Peter was called “Satan” . . . After Peter had just confessed Yeshua (as the long-expected Jewish Messiah) and was granted the honor of a special position in the future work of laying the foundation by using the keys of hope, he is now presented in a strange light. He attempted to prevent the upcoming sacrifice of Christ. He protested against the idea that Christ would be surrendered to his enemies. “Peter took him aside and began to rebuke him” . . . to rebuke him! Just think of it. “Be it far from you, Lord. This will never happen to you.” What did Peter mean by this? Did he mean to oppose Gods purpose? Nothing of the sort. It was a “good feeling” minus enlightenment. It was the presumption of ignorant kindness placing itself in opposition to the revealed will of God. If Peter could err in this way, should we be surprised that “pious” moderns oppose Divine principles and purposes? We must mention here that Peter had been out preaching the Gospel (Lk. 9:6) yet he knew nothing about the sacrifice of Christ! Consider this, you who preach only the cross and will have nothing of the Gospel of the Kingdom that Yeshua and the Apostles preached. (Lk. 8:1 and 9:2) This is the Gospel, and the doctrine of the cross was added to it. (Acts 28:31) Another point: it was out of compassion that Peter opposed the plan of Divine wisdom. This is considered a very minor offense in our day. “Charitable feeling” approves every opposition to Gods revealed way. And how did Christ take Peter’s attitude? Not mildly or apologetically at all: “Get behind me, SATAN! You are an offense to me because you do not value things of God, just human things.” Peter became “Satan” when he opposed God’s plan and principles. So what are modern people with the same attitude? Are they angels where Peter was Satan? Truly not! They may be on excellent terms with themselves and their fellow Peters, but Christ’s opinion of them will prevail. They are all on the same path, the dangerous one revealed by the words of Paul: “Though we or an angel from heaven preach any other Gospel to you . . . let him be accursed.” (Gal. 1:8) A final and noteworthy thought in connection with this incident is that Christ defined the nature and characteristics of Bible Satanism as opposed to clerical diabolism: “You do not value the things of God, just human things.” Gods ways and human ways are different to the core. How much different, God Himself declares: “My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says Yahweh, for as the heavens are higher than the Earth, so My ways higher are than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Is. 55:8) Thus, for a person to sympathize with “human thoughts” as opposed to Gods thoughts is to be a “Satan” according to the Bible. This rule of judgment not only excludes the supernatural devil of pulpit theology, but it also condemns the vast mass of humanity now on Earth. In every facet of their “world-life,” high and low, they do exactly what made Peter Satan for the time being. They place no value on the things of God, just those of humans. They have no taste for “the things of God.” For “human things” they have a sympathy that rouses them to wonderful life in the press, pulpit, platform, counting-house, and bedroom. The world has not changed since the days of John and Paul. The “spirit that works in the children of disobedience” is “the Prince of the Power of the air” to the present day. It is more literally defined by John as “lust of the flesh, lust of the eyes, and the pride of life.” (Eph. 2:2 and 1 Jn. 2:16) It is impossible to live in this social “air” or atmosphere without doing homage to its Prince (the ruling spirit) incorporated into society as “the desires of the flesh and mind.” For this reason, it is impossible for Gods friends to be friends of the world at the same time. (Jms. 4:4) What Yeshua told the disciples applies to their class in all generations: “If you were of the world the world would love its own, but because you are not of the world (since I have chosen you out of the world) the world hates you.” (Jn. 15:19) The world does not value, nor does it care for, nor does it have any interest in “the things of God.” Instead, it places a high value on “human things.” Thus, as Yeshua pathetically said to the Father in prayer: “I have given them Your Word, and now the world hates them.” The world dislikes all who value, love, and care for Gods things. This is the absolute Truth, however unacceptable it may be to most. (RR, Nazareth Revisited, Chapter 37)
Posted on: Sat, 20 Dec 2014 11:19:13 +0000

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