Robert Spencer: When you look at the historical record, the - TopicsExpress


Robert Spencer: When you look at the historical record, the main problem with the Quran is that according to the canonical Islamic story Mohammad received it between the years 610 and 632, and then it was memorized in whole or part by various of his followers, and then collected together during the time of the caliph Uthman in the six fifties and any variances burned. So we can understand that between the six thirties and the six fifties Muslims are supposed to have had the Quran in whole or part and there were many people who had memorized the entire Quran, and that by the six fifties the Quran had been completely codified and distributed to all the Muslim provinces. But when we look at the actual records, the people who the Arabs were conquering in the six thirties, six forties, six fifties and beyond -- until the six nineties and until the early seven hundreds, they never mentioned that the people who were coming and conquering out of Arabia had a holy book at all. Neither did the conquerors. There is no mention of the Quran in the first sixty years or more after the Quran was supposed to have been written. This is remarkable, because the Quran was supposed to have been the impetus for those very conquests. In other words the words of the Quran fight against the unbelievers, strive hard against the unbelievers, make the unbelievers submit, and pay the jizya with willing submission and feel themselves subdued -- this was supposed to be the energizing force behind these conquests and yet neither the conquerors nor the conquered peoples ever mentioned this book. And then when they do, some of the earliest mentions of the Quran come from the eighth century, not in the seventh century at all. There is this long silence even from the people you would expect most strongly to mention the Quran themselves. And that goes for Mohammad as well. There is no mention between the six thirties and the six nineties that the Arab people had a prophet.They never mentioned it. Please watch Dr. Hollands documentary, Islam, The Untold Story at vimeo/79051482
Posted on: Sun, 09 Nov 2014 16:14:40 +0000

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