Roberto Martinez hails inspirational Everton FC - TopicsExpress


Roberto Martinez hails inspirational Everton FC fans “Everything that we do as a club We all work hard to make our fans proud and to make great memories together.” Everton FC Europa League match against Wolfsburg at Volkswagen Arena Wolfsburg Germany. Everton Fans delighted It is not just on the pitch that Everton FC are making waves in Europe this season. As Roberto Martinez’s side swept their way into the Europa League’s last 32 in Wolfsburg on Thursday night, in the stands their supporters were making a noisy statement of their own. They’re here to stay, and loving it too. It is a full-time occupation being a football fan. It eats up your time, effort and money, and it can often be as disappointing as it is rewarding. For Martinez, though, there is continued admiration for those Blues who follow his side over land and sea. The majority of those who were in Germany will be at Tottenham tomorrow afternoon, and the manager is keen to stress the importance of such loyal support. “We are probably the most privileged team in terms of the support that we receive from our fans,” he told the ECHO. “Looking around Wolfsburg on Thursday, they were phenomenal scenes, and that is our inspiration. We want to carry on making them proud. “Everything that we do as a team is for our fans. We all work hard to make our fans proud and to make great memories together.” So far this season, Everton have been as good as their manager’s word. Victory in Wolfsburg secured top spot in Group H with a game to spare, and came courtesy of another accomplished, confident European performance. They may be a developing team, but under Martinez they are developing fast. And at Tottenham, they will get another opportunity to show just how far they have come. They may be ninth and10th in the Premier League at present, but tomorrow afternoon’s game at White Hart Lane is one which should impact the race for a top-four finish. Victory for Everton would reinforce Martinez’s belief that his side are capable of replicating their European form on the domestic stage, whilst doing significant damage to Spurs’ own hopes. Not that the Catalan expects an easy ride, mind. Spurs’ form this season may have been bad enough to prompt suggestions – premature, of course – that Mauricio Pochettino’s job was under threat, but Martinez believes the Londoners remain an outfit to be respected. “Without a doubt, they are contenders for the top four,” he said. “And I think their start has been better than people give them credit for. “With every team that changes its manager, you get a transitional period. “That’s only normal. And expectations are so high with Spurs that maybe people outside don’t see the positives from their start to the season. “They are in a position where they have as good a chance as anyone to get into the top four, they’re still involved in Europe, and they’re still in all the cups. “I think they have made a really strong start, even if people may have expected them to just roll over opponents. “We certainly respect Spurs, and we know that Sunday will be a really difficult game. “Both teams share the same footballing principles, both will be set up to score goals and try to go and win the game. “That should make for a very good game of football.” As for the pressure that comes with managing a side with top-four aspirations, Martinez counts himself lucky. While the likes of Pochettino, Brendan Rodgers and Arsene Wenger answer questions about possible underachievement and poor recruitment, at Everton he retains the total backing of chairman, players and supporters alike. “We all know how it works as a manager,” he says. “When you win three games you are ready for a new contract, and when you lose three you are going to lose your job! “It’s the nature of the job, but the only thing that matters for a manager is to be always clear and focused on where you want to get to, and how you want the team to be performing. “You have to make sure everyone at the club is enjoying their football. “And the speculation will always be a part of the job.” Martinez is fully aware of the threat posed by Spurs, who themselves ensured progression in Europe on Thursday by beating Partizan Belgrade. He is an admirer of the style of play favoured by Pochettino, and respectful of the talent at his disposal at White Hart Lane. “We have seen the way that Mauricio Pochettino wants his team to play,” he says. “We saw it at Espanyol in La Liga, and again at Southampton. “And I think at Spurs they are starting to develop a certain way, which will be unique to them, but with similarities to those clubs, because that is what Mauricio likes. “The squad that he has there is very, very strong. They have individuals who are in very good moments in their careers, quite young and all full internationals. “It is just a matter of time before we see a consistent Spurs in terms of picking up wins. I just hope that that doesn’t start this weekend!” As for Everton, the challenge is clear; to continue the work done at home and abroad in recent weeks, and score a psychological blow in the battle for the top four. “You don’t get bigger challenges than we have had this week,” Martinez adds. “The mentality and the character that the group showed was phenomenal, and we want to build on that. “We all know that when the squad is focused on achieving something, they can play in a number of different ways, they can be very flexible. “But one thing that we will always have is that incredible intensity and concentration in our performances. I think we will see that again on Sunday.” Shaun
Posted on: Sun, 30 Nov 2014 09:48:02 +0000

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