Robyn Collins is a self realised spiritual teacher whose assists - TopicsExpress


Robyn Collins is a self realised spiritual teacher whose assists humanity in the simple discovery of Presence and Evolutionary Spiritual Awakening Robyn is the author of “Return to Soul” producer of “Sacred Soul CD’s”, Australian and international spiritual seminar, retreat facilitator and professional Transpersonal Soul Psychologist. She has been playfully labelled by her community of students and friends as the “Soul Whisperer”. She received this due to her ability to deeply penetrate the core of the souls Being through direct transmissions of her words and presence of pure, silent, aware, love consciousness. Robyn gentle reminds us of the truth of eternal and ever-present peace that is buried under the myriad of layers gathered by many in the search for freedom and stillness within. Her participants say that “Robyn ceaselessly delivers her promise of awakening the soul by masterfully guiding you on a powerful journey of profound self realisation and enlightenment – a truly life changing, transpersonal and existential experience”. This workshop is based on the book Return to Soul. The benefit of attending a workshop gives you the chance to Embody the message in the book that may sometimes difficult to experience as the reader. Robyn personally guides you in the message of the Soul through dialogues and exercises , allowing a deep sense of profound inner peace and transmissions to reach deep within the cells of your BEing. Life Transformational - Evolutionary Awakening from the recently released best selling book - Return to Soul! By Australian Author Robyn Collins. In this weekend workshop you will be guided to take your Soul a deeper level of awakening, wisdom and understanding of its True Nature of Being. You will receive profound insight into your lifes purpose and how to directly experience your Divine Essence as an Infinite Being of Love. Return to Soul - Soul Mastery Workshop Return to Soul is a direct pathway & transmission of spiritual emergence into pure consciousness. It is the immediate union and healing of soul at its causal point of existence. Be gently guided into letting go of your daily struggles with life and open to the grace and peace of the hearts awakening. Let go of the delusion of existence and discover your own authentic Being. You will experience the presence of the true nature of your spirit…silent, pure, radiant and free. This weekend will rejuvenate every cell of your being and remind you of your soul’s eternal, ever-present and loving essence. Manifest your hearts desire,enhance your Souls path and yearning for awakening or accelerate your healing or psychic abilities with: Level One Soul Transmissions The Keys to Awakening your Soul The Seven Attitudes of the Soul The Core Foundations of Awakening * Every program includes Soul Transmission Meditation space * The Keys to Awakening your Soul Returning to Your Soul rests upon the foundation of four keys that assist you to activate and achieve your soul’s awakening. In moments when life got off track, challenging, or stressful, I found that returning to the keys would instantly bring my awareness back into focus and alignment with my soul’s purpose. It is easy to be derailed from our path and the keys are an essential foundation in maintaining ongoing inner and outer peace and clarity. They assist in bringing the mind back into focused attention. They also direct one’s awareness back to the human aspect of the journey. The Four Keys enable a clear, focused mind and open heart, ready for deeper inquiry, exploration, and discovery. Desire Intention Allowance Surrender *The Seven Attitudes of the Soul Attitudes are positions and standpoints that are essential components for the message shared here in Return to Soul. Although they appear familiar to the human/ relative aspect of living, they are the framework that spiritual awakening is formed upon. The attitudes continue to uphold spiritual integrity throughout the unfolding of the journey from beginning to end. Responsibility Humility Vigilance Commitment Self Honesty Gratitude Ritual *The Core Foundations of practice The desire for the Soul’s awakening does not come from the ego. It comes from the mysterious part of ourselves that is only focused and interested in awakening, freedom, and becoming more conscious. Once this desire begins, there is no stopping it. It becomes stronger and stronger, wanting only to move forward, to learn more, to know more, and to evolve. By engaging in Core Foundations you will continually satisfy the yearning of the Soul and its love for the journey of life. The Core Foundations are like the food of the Soul. They allow us to fully participate, taste, experience, and digest the Truth of consciousness, leaving us feeling full, whole, and alive in the bliss of the embodiment of love. When you commit to your one hundred percent intention for awakening, there is no need to wait for a special moment to arrive or to go to a place or person to bring enlightening experiences to you because you take responsibility for your own growth. The vehicle for awakening lies in the Core Foundations of Meditation, Inquiry, Ritual, and Reflection. Foundation of Meditation Foundation of Inquiry Foundation of Ritual Foundation of Reflection Robyn Collins BASSc. MSc. is an Author, Spiritual teacher, Soul Medium, Tibetan Reiki Grand Master, Counselling Psychologist and Metaphysical Minister. “Illuminating, compassionate, and compelling ... a must-read for those new on the spiritual path, the disenchanted seeker or the advanced soul—anyone serious about spiritual growth, self-realization, Soul-connection, and lasting happiness.” Tenzin Saveon - Tibetan Buddhist Nun Robyns message is a response to the call of the heart and soul with words that invite us home to the reality and truth of our being. It is everything the world needs to hear for todays modern awakening. Kevin James Carroll - Singer, Songwriter - Heartsongs Chanting Circle. These teachings are AMAZING! I would explain it as Instant Enlightenment - No more seeking , just pure open and liberated Soul Freedom! Dont miss this incredible work of Return to Soul . I promise you wont be disappointed - Wendy ( CEO ) Weekend workshop $250 ( if you already have a copy of book and cds) OR $280 Includes copy of Return to Soul & Sacred Soul CDs Vol 1 and 2 $50 non refundable booking . Bookings and Payments through website: Final payments after registration deposit to be paid in cash on the event date or 2 days before at:
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 07:33:31 +0000

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