Rock Grand Prix…A Mowmentous Day! Wow, what an amazing day of - TopicsExpress


Rock Grand Prix…A Mowmentous Day! Wow, what an amazing day of fun and excitement! I imagine many of you are content to use your everyday lawnmower to just cut grass but have you ever pretended you were a race car driver rallying around the front lawn? It’s okay to admit that you have, you are not alone, I have often imagined that I’m Michael Schumacher racing around the lawn! We weren’t just content with cutting grass...we wanted to provide you with something far more gripping & thrilling and to get the adrenalin going we added the thrill of the chase. That’s right for the past couple of weeks competitors have been preparing their machines and, I understand, in one or two cases they were souped up for this spectacular and ‘Mowmentous’ event which took place earlier today, Monday 4th August. We promised you entertainment, we promised you some crazy and wacky racing and boy we did not fail to deliver because it was simply incredible and a massive well done to all the competitors who stepped forward and took part in the event. After three competitive heats Cormac Harte, Aaron Smyth, Colin Quinn, Padraig Reilly, Cathal Sheridan & Kieran Fitzpatrick progressed to the final which basically consisted of a carefully constructed obstacle course plus a small plot of grass to cut and the person to complete the task in the quickest time was the ultimate Ride-On Lawnmower Champion. At this stage, the crowd was screaming, the machines were roaring and the drivers were really buzzing and the wheels were skimming along the top of the ground. However, the larger and probably deemed the hot favourite found the going tough through the course and lost a significant amount of time manoeuvring through the cones while the smaller machines negotiated the course more quickly, carefully and skilfully and in the end with a margin of only twenty-one seconds Colin “The Lightning” Quinn claimed the prestigious title and the honour of becoming the first ever Ride-on Lawnmower Champion and congratulations to him on a wonderful achievement. When I caught up Colin after the presentation he was still very emotional and touched with his victory and added “this is one of the biggest achievements in my life and I want to thank all my fans and supporters for believing in me. I was certainly punching above my weight but I knew I could compete against the souped-up modified machines…this sport is about speed obviously but more importantly it’s about cutting grass and that’s what I do best.”
Posted on: Mon, 04 Aug 2014 21:02:58 +0000

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