Rockefeller Reveals plans for implementing the mark of the beast, - TopicsExpress


Rockefeller Reveals plans for implementing the mark of the beast, 9/11 FRAUD and New World Order to Aaron Russo https://youtube/watch?v=FuinaIm-kd4 Why is it so important for the globalistsehind the international banking cartel to have you and your children micro-chipped and your medical information (blood type), financial information, residential information etcetera on it consolidated into a central registry that they have all access to? The Zionists (Jews) actually consider everyone that is NOT a Zionist to be cattle goyim that can be killed at any time for one of their members benefit. https://youtube/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=FY5rczWnQyA Another source exposing the Jews buying and selling human organs: https://youtube/watch?v=hBsAg0v4_ik Another source Jews behind human trafficking: https://youtube/watch?v=sBlROow_TAw Created Jewish propaganda; Jewish student caught painting Swastikas on her own door then claiming Anti-Semitic Attack: https://youtube/watch?v=eLt5U7VcHw8 The media cover up that the Rothschild’s created government falsely referred to as “Israel” engage in is rarely exposed so blatantly as this murder of a Palestinian woman: https://youtube/watch?v=S3DIrXd33SI RT Israel Trophy Kill Palestinians - Public Committee Against Torture Israel - Louis Frankenthaler: https://youtube/watch?v=th-7w1qkalg The battle around the world is Satans minions claiming to be Jews and their cronies Christians, Muslims and Jews alike versus honest Christians, Muslims and Jews. https://youtube/watch?v=fPtP_w1b2bs&feature=share Ted Gunderson and John DeKamp; the Franklin Conspiracy: https://youtube/watch?v=55ofj3W6VUk&feature=share Conspiracy of Silence; a Discovery Channel documentary: https://youtube/watch?v=AY-F5JoHoho&feature=share John DeKamp exposes the Franklin Conspiracy: https://youtube/watch?v=CcWrrBceuP4&feature=share Nixon exposes Bohemian Grove: https://youtube/watch?v=HL6cxGg6yas&feature=share The Rothschilds controlled government falsely referred to as Israel is so evil that no one can truly comprehend the extent of the inhuman and immoral atrocities that they commit. Theyve hidden their atrocities from the American people for the last 100 years. People are shocked by the atrocities that the Rothschilds created government falsely referred to as Israel have and still are committing. https://youtube/watch?v=9jNr0_AUSR0&feature=share Billy Graham & Nixon recorded talking about the Jewish Domination of US Media. https://youtube/watch?v=sqCKx4tWk6w Nixon phone calls on Blacks and Jews: https://youtube/watch?v=dbFzpq343s8 People all too often throw out terms like “conspiracy theory” when they are exposed to factual information they dont want to hear. Senator Inouye summarizes here the coverup of the US Shadowy Government involvement; by saying: There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself. For more context and perspective, please check the PBS documentary by Bill Moyers The Secret Government: The Constitution in Crises, which was broadcast in 1987; the full documentary could be watched on Google Video. 9/11 SECRET REVEALED {NOTE: View this video at 6:31 through 8:11 to learn the guilty, ( the Co-Conspirators of their 9/11 CRIME OF AGGRESSION / ATTACK / HOAX / FALSE FLAG / INSIDE JOB the guilty perpetrated on the AMERICAN POPULATION ) included such names as JEB BUSH . . . . { JEB BUSH FOR PRESIDENT 2016 } YEP, THAT JEB BUSH} https://youtube/watch?v=yh7pOrRr_3o According to court records, Clinton “frequently flew” with Epstein aboard the investor’s private jet from 2002 to 2005, the year news of the police investigation of Epstein was first reported. thesmokinggun/buster/bill-clinton/bill-clinton-and-jeffrey-epstein-908671#.VKtW6_R6JYg.facebook
Posted on: Wed, 07 Jan 2015 18:22:04 +0000

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