Rockefeller , Rothschild , Warburg and Oppenheimer - Hebrew Khazar - TopicsExpress


Rockefeller , Rothschild , Warburg and Oppenheimer - Hebrew Khazar bankers who run the planet ! Agenda 21 is their New World Order establishment by reducing the world population by 90 %! All of them are descendants of the Anunnaki ! In 1820 five Rothschild brothers mastered the banking system in France, England , Austria , Italy and Germany , and their associates bankers prospered , and the misaligned disappeared in these countries . The late nineteenth century , bankers Rothschild entered the U.S. finances by bankers Warburg in Germany, who were partners and Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York. Paul Warburg was the first president of the Federal Reserve System. JP Morgan were associated , as Mason and his family supported the conspiracy for world government since the 1770s , when a relative of Morgan , Alexander Hamilton became the first Secretary of the U.S. Treasury . Rothschild financial dynasty enthroned funded and Rockefeller ( oil monoplul ) , Carnegie ( Steel monopoly ) , Harriman ( railroads ) . Marrying each other, they form a unit now both biological and financially . By 1970 , banks controlled by the Rockefellers owned a quarter of the wealth that American banks hold it and hold 30% of all insurance companies . Attempts to prevent them to take over all industry and finance the United States ( in 1911 , 1966 , 1975 ) have failed and have cost the lives lucid and honest people as representative Louis McFadden , poisoned in New York or representative Larry McDonald assassinated in 007 Korean aircraft on 31 August 1983, dasupra Soviet airspace , or Senator John Heinz and John Tower, both died in mysterious plane crashes particular. On page 182 of the annual report of the CFR for the year 1990 emphasizes that CFR members are not allowed to publish ones words indicating the source of the newspaper , to repeat on radio or television or on a podium or in a lesson or write them off internal communication between them with limited movement in any publication ... the participants are not allowed to transmit ones words any reporter ... or where there is a risk to be widely distributed or published ( GHK , p 35 ) . Gary Kah show that CFR has infiltrated the Democratic Party of the United States in the years 1920 to 1930 and in the Republican Party in the 1940s , so that the two parties are actually subsidiaries of the same organization , and, with the Second World War infiltrated and took over the functions of government in America . The establishment of the United Nations (UN ) in 1945 , the 14 founding members of the 10 were members of the CFR . The land on which was built the UN , situated in New York , was donated by John D. Rockefeller , Jr. UN Secretaries-General of strange criminal : Alger Hiss was a Soviet spy in the U.S. government , U Thant praises Lenin above than anyone. Another organization is the sister group to Rome, established in 1968 , which is less than 100 scientists, educators , economists, humanists , industrialists , and people who occupy positions in national and international government as they say even , without explaining where international government offices , and where they are international civil servants ( international government officials ) . American participants in this club include CFR members and Rockefeller family . Pregnancy Club of Rome is to unify the world , so it would seem that the Bilderberg club is over . On 17 September 1973, a report of this club shows that the globe was divided into 10 administrative regions , which are yet in a state of flux and do not correspond to any national borders .
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 08:40:50 +0000

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