Rocket shrapnel hit by Iron Dome interceptors lands inside - TopicsExpress


Rocket shrapnel hit by Iron Dome interceptors lands inside recently-renovated synagogue in Tel Aviv. Fortunately, no one was inside. Iron Dome intercepts 3 rockets over Tel Aviv area. One person seriously wounded from rocket hitting Ashdod gas station, first to be wounded from direct hit in Operation Protective Edge. All three rockets fired from the Gaza Strip towards central Israel on Friday morning were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system over the Tel Aviv area. Prior to the rocket fire, the rocket alert siren was sounded at around 10:45am in Tel Aviv, Givatayaim, Raanana, Herzliya, Bat Yam, Rehovot and other cities across the country. A synagogue in Tel Aviv, that was closed for renovations, was hit by shrapnel of one of the rockets intercepted by the Iron Dome. No one was inside the synagogue when the shrapnel fell. The synagogues manager, Michael Biton, said that renovations had just finished. There was a cleaner here this morning right when it happened. She started cleaning, heard the siren and left (to take cover). Right when she left, the rocket (shrapnel) fell and fortunately she was saved. A spokesman for Israels airport authority said that a siren had sounded at Ben-Gurion and that all activity had stopped for about 10 minutes, but that the siren was part of a general alert in the Tel Aviv area and not a direct threat to the airport. Hamas said that the rocket barrage at central Israel was their first deliberate attempt to hit Ben Gurion International Airport. The organization said that four M-75 rockets were fired at the airport. Its armed wing has warned airlines that it intends to target Israels Ben Gurion International Airport with its rockets from Gaza and has told them not to fly there. In the light of Israels ... attacks on the residents of Gaza Strip ... The armed wing of Hamas movement has decided to respond to the Israeli aggression and we warn you against carrying out flights to Ben Gurion airport, which will be one of our targets today because it also hosts a military air base, a statement from the group said. The militant group said it had issued the warning to the airlines so that they could avoid injury to their passengers. At noon time, a house in the Eshkol Regional Council suffered a direct hit from a mortar. The houses residents were inside the safe room and were unharmed. Rockets that were later fired towards Ashkelon and its surrounding areas were intercepted by the Iron Dome. A short while before the rockets fired at Tel Aviv, a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip hit one of the houses in the Sdot Negev Regional Council. Damage was caused to the house and to vehicles nearby, but no one was hurt. Another rocket was found on the grass in the community. First Israeli seriously wounded Earlier, one person was seriously wounded in Ashdod when a rocket hit a gas station, the first such injury since the beginning of Operation Protective Edge. At around 8am, a gas station in Ashdod suffered a direct hit from a rocket fired at it, starting a massive fire. Firefighters were deployed to the scene. Magen David Adom reported that several people are recieving medical treatment on the scene, one of them severely wounded. Seven were lightly wounded. The severely wounded person, a man in his 50s, was unable to flee his car when the rocket hit the gas station. Cars around him caught fire, and rescue units had to pull him out of his car, before it too caught fire. He was suffering burns and wounds to his hand and was taken to the Kaplan Medical Center in Rehovot. Prior to the rocket hit in Ashdod, rocket alert sirens were sounded in Nes Tziona, Rehovot, Gan Yavne, Netivot, Kiryat Malachi, and the Shaar HaNegev and Hof Ashkelon regional councils. Overnight, Code Red rocket alert sirens were sounded in southern cities and communities, including the Hof Ashkelon Regional Council, Sderot, Shaar HaNegev, Ofakim, Merhavim Regional Council, Netivot, Eshkol Regional Council, Ashdod and Ashkelon. Rocket alert sirens were also sounded in central Israel - in Nes Tziona, Rehovot, Gan Yavne and Rishon LeZion. Rockets fell in open areas in Netivot and Eshkol. The Iron Dome missile defense system intercepted rockets fired at Ashkelon.
Posted on: Fri, 11 Jul 2014 10:44:43 +0000

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