Rockets from Gaza, and terrorist attacks from PA citizens and Arab - TopicsExpress


Rockets from Gaza, and terrorist attacks from PA citizens and Arab Israelis, have maimed dozens of Israeli civilians in the past week alone. A rockets scored a direct hit on a home in Ashkelon, sending 50 wounded people to the hospital. The life of an innocent 4-year-old boy was snuffed out, when he didnt have time to make it to his familys bomb shelter. A Jewish resident of Beitar, near Jerusalem, narrowly escaped a lynching. A Jewish man, with his wife and 1-year-old daughter in the car, was seriously injured, and his whole family nearly killed, when his car was flipped over by Arab terrorists armed with large rocks. 3 children were seriously injured by rock throwers in the same neighborhood of Jerusalem just days later. All over Israel we have seen hundreds of these rock throwing incidents this week. It is only through G-ds grace that more Jews havent died. Fatah has made a public call to its citizens to slaughter Jews, and Hamas continues its war against us. As all this is happening, Israel is facing pressure from all sides to agree to an indefinite ceasefire, and to ease the blockade around Gaza, a blockade which is clearly necessary to prevent Israeli civilian casualties. In return, Israels condition of the demilitarization of Hamas is tabled for future discussion. Israel needs the vocal support of its friends around the world. We need all of our friends in Europe and America to let their governments know that these actions against Israel do not represent you. Please share this message. Let us pressure our international governments to give Israel a chance at REAL peace! Things You can do 1. like and share this post 2. attend pro-Israel rallies, and if you dont have one near you try to organize one 3. write letters and petitions to your respective heads of state, asking them to stop pressuring Israel to compromise their security
Posted on: Tue, 26 Aug 2014 13:39:50 +0000

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