Rocks In Your Hands: A story has it that two friends were talking - TopicsExpress


Rocks In Your Hands: A story has it that two friends were talking about forgiveness and the one was struggling to forgive hurts and wrongdoings done to him in the past. While the one good friend tried explaining the importance of forgiveness to his struggling friend he just wasn’t gaining the understanding through intellectual debate. So the good friend wisely told his struggling friend, go make some coffee and I’ll be right back. When the good friend returned he came back with two rocks and told his struggling friend, “hold on to these rocks in both your hands until I’ll tell you to let go.” Soon thereafter the coffee was ready, and the struggling friend was about to put the rocks down to get the coffee but the good friend strictly warned him “NO!” “You can get the coffee, drink your coffee and do whatever you would like but you cannot put the rocks down in your hands” the good friend explained. After awhile the struggling friend decided he had had enough. “I’m not going to play this game anymore” he told his good friend, and finally put the rocks down and went back to life as normal using his hands “unhindered.” The wise friend asked, “Why did you put the rocks down?” The struggling friend answered, “Because it’s hard to do things when you’re holding two rocks in your hands. It affects almost everything you do,” the struggling friend exclaimed. “Exactly!” The wise friend responded, “Those rocks are like the un-forgiveness you are holding onto in your heart. When you refuse to forgive, every aspect of your life is limited in some way! If you want to return to full function in your life you need to get rid of the “rocks” you’re carrying around.” If a simple rock in your hands can effect so much of your life, then how much more can un-forgiveness harbored in your heart affect your whole life! If you are holding on to un-forgiveness, let it go and watch how “better” you will function without holding ‘rocks’ in your hands! Small wonder Jesus preached so much on forgiveness. He didn’t teach it “just because.” He taught it because He knows what profound impact it has on our daily living. -God Bless
Posted on: Mon, 02 Sep 2013 23:30:51 +0000

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