Rocky Meets Jesus πŸ™β˜οΈβ€οΈ Key Passage Then Andrew - TopicsExpress


Rocky Meets Jesus πŸ™β˜οΈβ€οΈ Key Passage Then Andrew brought Simon to Jesus. Jesus looked at Simon and said, You are Simon, the son of John. You will be called Cephas. (Cephas means Peter.) β€” John 1:42 ERV (Read Full Text) Key Thought When a new child is born, godly parents stare lovingly at their gift from the Father and wonder, What will this child grow up to be? They name the child, taking great care not to give that child a name that will be a burden. They want their child to be blessed by God and to be a blessing to others. But they dont know, they cant know, what lies ahead. Jesus changed Simons name to Peter (Cephas), or the Rock. Jesus could look beyond Peters blustering ego and horrible failures to the man who loved God and who could be used mightily for the Kingdom. What does he see in you? No matter where you have been or the road you have taken to this point, Jesus can give you a new life and a new name. He has great plans for you. Dont be dismayed. Dont let discouragement claim you. If he can change Simon into the Rock, he can change you and use you mightily, too! Prayer Father, please help me trust that you have great plans for me. Please help me catch a glimpse of what you can do with me and through me to bring you glory and bless those I love. In Jesus name I pray. Amen. Related Scriptures From this time on we dont think of any person like the world thinks of people. It is true that in the past we thought of Christ like the world thinks. But we dont think that way now. If any person is in Christ, then that person is made new. The old things have gone; everything is made new! β€” 2 Corinthians 5:16-17 Lord, you made my whole body. You knew all about me while I was still in my mothers body. Lord, I praise you! You made me in an amazing and wonderful way. I know very well that what you did is wonderful! You know all about me. You watched my bones grow while my body took shape, hidden in my mothers body. You watched my body parts grow. You listed them all in your book. You watched me every day. Not one of them {is missing}. β€” Psalm 139:13-16 The fishermen were all amazed at the many fish they caught. When Simon Peter saw this, he bowed down before Jesus and said, Go away from me, Lord. I am a sinful man! James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were amazed too. (James and John worked together with Simon.) Jesus said to Simon, Dont be afraid. From now on you will work to gather people, {not fish}! The men brought their boats to the shore. They left everything and followed Jesus. β€” Luke 5:8-11
Posted on: Sun, 26 Jan 2014 00:05:20 +0000

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