Rocky Streets in (Duplicities) by Glen Rice; 4th Posting. - TopicsExpress


Rocky Streets in (Duplicities) by Glen Rice; 4th Posting. Forensic is focusing mostly on personal items that have been strewn about the room; surely, Eugene wouldnt have done this to his own stuff. Were all hoping for some quick results on these prints were getting. Im getting antsy about this case, because I have a feeling that this may be a cluster bust; designed to stall, delay, confuse anyone thats on the trail of the true reason why Eugene Clarke lost his life; by giving free rides to lowlifes looking for a quick score ... a free room to party in, money, debit cards from the missing wallet; its like hitting the casino jackpot for the evening. The lowlifes dont care where their good fortunes coming from; they know its only for the moment; theyll get what they can, and be done with it. Meanwhile the real culprits have their big score hidden behind this mess theyve created. You only need to drop the victims wallet with everything still in it, in some busy lowlife bar and allow the inevitable to happen ... its like the mob sending in the cleaner after a major hit ... only, instead of cleaning up the mess; theyre creating a mess that will cover it up. It doesnt take long and we start getting some hits off the prints ... I know a couple of them and where they hang out most of the time. Cmon Farley; you want to meet a couple of real losers that dont know enough to keep their mouths shut? Sure; never know when a couple of guys like that will come in handy. It doesnt take long and Im pointing out the two guys that left their prints in the apartment. I have Farley pull over to the curb. Wont they run if they see you? Like I said; they arent all that bright. Im not interested in getting them locked up for partying on a dead mans wallet ... I want the killer of that wallets owner. After Farley parks; I get out of the vehicle right in front of the two guys that recognize me from their past. Hey, dude; youre that cop, named ... a cool name, what the hell was it now? Dan Farley is out of the car now and answers him. His name is Rocky Streets. He jumps slightly and shakes his head quick, a couple of times; God, I love that name; remember him, Jess? Of course I do, Donny; I ... Dont do that to me now; you call me Twang remember; its Twang from now on. They are already starting their nonsense and I have to ask. Why do you want to be called Twang from now on? Thats my stage name now; when I do karaoke ... I sing Country & Western. Jess speaks up about that. No, it cant be both, its either Country or its Western ... it cant be both. I have to interrupt them or theyll go on for a while. Look Twang, I need your help on a case Im working on, a little undercover work, you know; I wont tell a soul where I heard it from; just like before ... you never heard anything back from the last time you confided in me; did you? Nope; were solid, dude. They both move in a little closer, like Im going to be whispering from now from now on. I know where you guys were partying this last time ... I was there and saw this place myself. I know how it happens, these unsuspecting parties; who dropped the good-time dime this time ... you see the dude that dropped it, Twang? Twang looks over at Jess; Hes cool; right, Jess? Jess nods his head in favor; and Twang starts singing my tune. I dont know him, but Ive seen him before; hanging around Olsens Billiards after hours ... somethings going on over there you know. Have you heard his name; or at least, can you describe him to me? Dont know his name, but hes tall and really, really, very skinny; his head is even skinny; so skinny, that his face comes to a point at the center of his face; has a wedge look about it. These guys are funny; I want to laugh at them ... and thats whats really funny about it all, is that I truly understand what hes trying to say. I hold my laughter in, so as not to spoil any future talks with them. Knowing that I wont be getting any more worthwhile information out of them that would help my case; I part company with Twang and Jess. We get back to the precinct and make note of whats happened so far. Dan Dexter; our evidence analyst comes over to us; You may be interested in knowing that the Erie police have notified the family of Eugene Clarke. Eugenes grandfather, Terrance Clarke, will be here this evening around six ... hes flying in to identify the body and pick up any belongings he may have ... he wants to talk to the detective in charge of this case. Do you have the name of the officer thats in charge of this case back there in Erie? I sure do; his name is Hal Nicks and heres his phone number. Dexter hands me a piece of paper with information on it. I know this guy; Ill give him a call and see if he has an insight on the grandfather thats coming out here. Theres no time like the presence, so I pick up the phone and call him. Yeah, Nicks here; he answers the phone. Hal; this is Detective Rocky Streets; I hear your working the other end of my case; Eugene Clarkes case. Well, Ill be; this is a surprise ... what can I do for you? You can start by telling me about the victims family; especially the grandfather thats flying out here to identify the body. The family that Ive seen, seems like a wholesome family, nice neighborhood; well mannered and very concerned over whats happened in New York City. No one in the family had any idea that Eugene went out there; it was a shock to them when we told them. They kept telling us that we were mistaken; the mother kept calling the kids phone and getting no answer. Im in the process of faxing you all this information to a fellow by the name of Dan Dexter. Hes our analyst. What about the grandfather, Terrance Clarke? Hell be coming there with an attitude; something about, the swindling killing bastards aint getting away with it ... something about a book. Speaking of books; you hear from Simon McCoy any? Yeah, hes still around; doing detective work and writing too ... hes writing another book from what I hear. Hes something else; I really enjoyed reading that first one he had out, No Cross to Burn, that was one hell of a book. He has another one out now called, Illusions of Truth its on the best sellers list too. Ill have to check that one out; hey, its been good talking to you. Same here, dont hesitate to call anytime you need to, Im always here somewhere...................................................... Rocky Streets in (Duplicities) by Glen Rice will continue soon. When we come back well find out who be at the airport, to welcome Grandpa, Terrance Clarke to New York City ... an unlikely pair.
Posted on: Sat, 02 Nov 2013 08:11:31 +0000

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