Rocky was saved from a local shelter in Philadelphia PA. He was - TopicsExpress


Rocky was saved from a local shelter in Philadelphia PA. He was brought there because he was hit by a car. He had been in the shelter for a few days when Home At Last Dog Rescue saved him. Once HAL picked him up we got him to the emergency vet as Rocky was not breathing well and was in severe shock. The vet thought that he had collapsed lungs because of his shallow breathing, but after several radiographs they realized his breathing was shallow because he was in so much pain and severe shock. His one leg was completely broken in half, and the other leg was torn open at the joint. Once they got Rocky feeling comfortable with pain medication and fluids, his shock started to get better, and he was stable enough for emergency surgery. They had to put plates in his broken leg, and they had to clean out his wound in his other leg. They also had to stich his joint back together. Additionally Rocky had a dislocated hip that they needed to repair. Rocky has a long road to recovery but the outlook is good thanks to HAL for saving him. HAL would like to continue to support him and get him the ongoing medical care that he needs, but first we must recoup the money already spent on him. Please help HAL continue to help Rocky and dogs like Rocky to get better! - See more at: youcaring/medical-fundraiser/rocky-needs-your-help-/181207#sthash.i79GOfXP.dpuf
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 00:00:10 +0000

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