Rod, Life in a Nut Shell: After graduation, I attended Golden - TopicsExpress


Rod, Life in a Nut Shell: After graduation, I attended Golden West College studying Police Science. I transferred to Fullerton College after the first year. Getting a good look at the wonderful court system in California, I decided to change my major. I chose to go with Oceanographic Technology. When Scripps Institute of Oceanography, and USC needed scientific crew members, they contacted Fullerton. I had some good learning experiences on the USCs Velero IV research ship. Events transpired that led me to need to make a change in my life. I originally looked into the Navy, as I wanted to work in ASW (Anti-Submarine Warfare), working with dolphins and orcas. The Recruiter found out I had experience with sonar. He wanted to put me on an Attack Sub as a Sonar Tech. At that time that would have meant 120 days at a shot, with no one knowing if you are alive or dead until you surface. Not happening. Ended up talking to the Air Force. Wound up enlisting as a 46130, Munitions Maintenance Specialist. Went to San Antonio for Basic, made the grave tactical error of being the Dorm Chief (Student Leader for 50 people). During Basic, the Team Chief asked me if I wanted to go to MTI (Military Training Instructor-Air Force Drill Instructor) School after Basic. I thought about it. Then I considered a 4-year stint at Lackland, where bureaucratic nonsense thrives. I politely declined, and went to Munitions Maintenance Specialist School at Lowry AFB in Denver, a now closed base. From there I went to George AFB, in Adelanto, another closed base. At Lowry I married ex #1. I will not expound on that subject. From there I went to Cannon AFB in Clovis, NM. Two-and-a-half years later, I was ordered from there to Andersen AFB, Guam. This is during the Cold War. Andersen at that time was a Strategic Air Command base. While I was on the island (For 2 years), I had one day a week I was not going from 4 or 5:00AM to midnight was Sunday. During the 2 years, I sang in the Guam Symphony Chorale, took 2 years of voice, had lead roles in 2 musicals, was part of the Island Choir that sang for Pope John Paul II, spent 6 months worth of Saturday mornings completing the USMC Jungle Expert Course, USMC, MARBKS GUAM (Certificate #039), assisted the USMC in running 5 POW COMPOUND EXERCISES (I was the enemy POW commander, an East German Stasi officer), worked a second job part-time at the Wild West Gun Club, teaching Japanese how to shoot a pistol and rifle. Guam was also where I blew out my back, and the physical problems started. After active duty, I moved to Michigan, first in Lake Ann, and then in Lowell and Grand Rapids. I lived in Michigan from 1982 until 2011. I went through a divorce, and second marriage and divorce. (Not the best of situations, to put it mildly.) In 2009, my back and knees finally gave out after earning a Journeymans Card in Tool and Die (Die Repair) and working in Cable. Tried to go back to school, that did not fare well. Being disabled with the system being such as it is, I lost my home. By this time, marriage #2 had dissolved, and Ann and I were talking on the phone, and on line. Long story short, I had help from a Veterans Group to move to Maine. Ann and I were married in 2012. Ann is the love of my life, my Soul Mate. I have never been happier. My disability has started. We live a simple life, (Not much but more than anything else, we are happy together. Ann and I are planning on being at the next reunion. Then you will be able to meet the angel that I will spend the rest of forever showing her how much I truly love her. Sorry about the small book, but this is the brief version.
Posted on: Sat, 20 Sep 2014 00:51:56 +0000

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