Rod Wilson Finding the Way: Are we lost daddy? It appears - TopicsExpress


Rod Wilson Finding the Way: Are we lost daddy? It appears we are child. Whats that over there daddy? Why, thats a sign child. It says: Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have Commanded you. Who said it daddy? Its signed; The King. What did he Command daddy? Well, I think He said to love our neighbors as ourselves. At least thats what I heard. Is that another sign, daddy? Yes. In fact thats one of our Fathers Signs. But, this one looks much newer than the ones I remember. What does it say, daddy? It says: Know this day that My Son is My joy. Hereby this day My Son is your King. What He says is Law. Witnessed this day by James, John, Peter, Elijah and Moses. Didnt Moses give us the Law of our Father, daddy? Yes, child. As it has always been. Well, at least until this sign was made. What do you think the Kings Law is, daddy? Im not sure. But, I sure hope its not to hard to keep. Is that another sign, daddy? Yep, it sure is. What does it say, daddy? It says: The Kings Commandments: All who follow the King are given Fathers Spirit to keep them in the Way and hereby knighted into the Knighthood of the King after reciting the following in the presence of another; The Knights Creed: We keep our duty to our Father by doing what His Son (our King) says to do. We repent. We keep our Creators creations alive. We only mate with our Creators approved mate. We keep belongings where they belong. We keep our tongues from being harmful. We honour our parents. And, because we would like help with our troubles; We love our neighbors as ourselves. We preach the Kingdom is within reach (because of the Spirit). We baptize by Way of our Father & our King & their Spirit. We reap the benefits of the Spirit through healing. We prove the Spirit by casting out devils. We pray: Our Father, Whose Son gives us the Holy Spirit, helps us to make earth to be like Heaven; with His Will being the Way! We trust the Spirit to care for & forgive us, the way we care for & forgive our Creators creations. The Spirit guides us out of temptation & delivers us from the deceptive matter. The Spirit quenches our hungry & thirsty souls by the Body & Blood of our King. The Kingdom of the Son, the Power of the Spirit and the Glory of our Father are all our souls require. We please our Father & His Son (our King) and the Spirit pleases us, to the wonder of all! --- Amen --- So, the Spirit will help us to stay in the Kings Way, daddy? It appears so, child. And, we get to be Knights and battle disease & devils, daddy! This is good news right, daddy? Yes child, this is very good news indeed! Shall we recite the Knights Creed to each other, daddy? Yes child, lets. I heard that knights always bowed when they were knighted.
Posted on: Sat, 25 Jan 2014 19:45:21 +0000

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