Rodillian Reserves V’s Hade Edge Reserves Hay bales, forward - TopicsExpress


Rodillian Reserves V’s Hade Edge Reserves Hay bales, forward rolls and vomit. A depleted squad called for drastic measures. Down came Albert Hendrix from the 1st team along with Adrian (Rocky) and up came David Johnson from the 3rd team. Richard ‘Hay Bale’ Stephenson kindly gave up his time to help out too. This was a threadbare second team grudgingly thrust into action. Brand spanking, enormous kit was adorned and new match balls pumped up. We looked every bit the consummate troop of footballers. It mattered not that many of this faction had never shared a football pitch before, there was a natural air of ‘One for all…’ We spoke briefly about the system and what was expected individually and as a unit and the game was underway…. The opposition had travelled over from Huddersfield and were a wonderful set of lads both on and off the pitch. The game was played in a tremendous spirit with an excellent attitude throughout. Long grass and high, circling winds were restricting fluid football at ground level and the opening exchanges were fraught and scrappy. Both teams were struggling to get a foothold but, as in our two previous outings, we looked completely at ease in every department with their only opportunities coming from our mistakes. We scored after around 20 minutes with James ‘Trowel foot’ Pinnion firing home. As in our preceding encounters we have desired a quick second, to go for the jugular, kill it off quickly but, unfortunately, we were unable to action this due to a combination of poor finishing and Hade Edge obstinacy. We created multiple chances to extend our lead via a number of different mediums. The unceasingly impressive Matt Hezelgrave worked tirelessly down the right flank and continued to cause a multitude of dilemma for the opposition. Raking forays into opposition territory coupled with sublime distribution gave him his best performance yet in a yellow shirt. What impresses me most about Matt at the moment is his attitude, his willingness to listen to instructions and carry them out to the latter. He does exactly what is expected of him and sets an example to the team. If only God hadn’t given him a mouth he would be the perfect, footballing package. I joke… of course. From Back to front we dictated but could not find the second goal, again! Nick Powell dillied and dallied at the back and tried to play a brand of football he could normally pull off in his sleep but failed to do so in long grass. He is, however, undeniably confident and assured in that position. Rich Stephenson filling in for our regular central defenders did a superb job and dominated aerially. Regular shouts of ‘Hay bale’ went up as he rose for the ball which led me to believe he had developed some kind of agriculturally orientated tourettes, alas, he informed us later it was his nickname. Disappointing, I do love an affliction. Chris Illingworth laboured tirelessly and marked their man throughout, never looking troubled. On the left Pinnion gave his all, combining with the central midfield to devastating effect on occasions. His hard work was rewarded with his second goal in pre season. Jack Longley did what Jack Longley does. He is a Jack Russell (certainly in terms of looks) he harries, he bullies and he creates chances from very little. He carries the ball well and was unlucky not to find himself on the score sheet as he struck the bar in the opening thirty minutes. I would like to see him fetch the ball a bit more from defence, however. Albert was all arms, legs and pipe. A totally uncoordinated specimen who can run until the sun goes down. Despite his blundering exterior he possesses a calm ability to get the job done. He wins balls he has no right to win and distributes effectively, he is a maladroit but one I would have in the team every week! Up front Brad Laws was his usual self. Industrious and certain. He wants goals and he should get more but for his finishing ineptitude. We yearn to see Brad run more at the opposition and shoot from range frequently. He is not a finished article but he is getting closer every week and has a big future in the amateur game. David Johnson came in to help us and did everything that was asked of him. He held the ball up with effect and gave us time to reshape. He was unlucky not to score on two occasions, having one dubiously ruled out for offside by me! (Sorry Jonno). Mark Anderson worked hard on the right flank and caused problems at every given opportunity. Perhaps a bit jaded from his excellent performance on Thursday he lacked a bit of the spark you would normally expect from him. Still a very consummate performance. Adrian , the unknown quantity, came on and was slow to enter a game mid – flow but soon came into his own. Surging, powerful runs down the right and low projectile crosses gave us countless opportunities to increase our lead and put the game beyond doubt. At one point he amused the team no end by running down the wing, doing a forward roll and then continuing with his run….. quite possibly one of the most amusing things I have ever seen. Half time was welcomed and we spoke and discussed the need for more decisive play, to be resolute and, above all, to be relentless. We did what we have previously done, we came out the stronger side and increased our lead through a dubious goal claimed by the ‘Hay bale’. Jack Longley’s weak corner squirming into the net via the deftest of touches from Stephenson’s heel. So the long awaited cushion was there. It is in situations like this that I want us to explode, to go for it, to kill them off and show no remorse… and we did. We ploughed forward and created opportunities galore with at least five clear cut chances going begging. We finished the game through Albert and Jack’s contributions and another victory was claimed. It is a very positive start for this team who are working hard to master a formation they are not accustomed to. They are showing incredible attitude and a desire to work for each other, they work as a team and look supremely confident in every department. We are, as expected, creating numerous goal scoring opportunities and we have to learn to put these away sooner rather than later. Bring on Tuesday, the big guns are coming to town and we are ready for them. Man of the match and ‘Blue ball’ winner – Matt Hezelgrave.
Posted on: Sun, 17 Aug 2014 22:19:03 +0000

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