Rogan Hazard via Charlotte Cushman "I knew back in the summer of - TopicsExpress


Rogan Hazard via Charlotte Cushman "I knew back in the summer of 2012 that this IRS scandal went deep and went straight to the Obama White House. I knew that it involved a purposeful coordinated effort to punish, intimidate and silence individual critics of Obama, and GOP donors. Do you still think IRS agents acted alone? Even though we just found out that the head of the IRS visited the President more than 150 times in his first term- far more than any cabinet member. How did I know this was a coordinated attack on conservative critics and donors? Because just in my small inner circle of friends, virtually every businessman that I met was getting hit with IRS audit notices only weeks after writing checks to the GOP and Mitt Romney. Strange coincidence, huh? In one case, a friend of mine who is a hedge fund CEO attended the first major Wall Street fundraiser for Mitt Romney. Only a select few Wall Street big shots attended. After they went home, almost every one of them in the room that wrote a check to Romney later reported receiving IRS audit notices. In another case, a friend of mine wrote a big check to Romney. He called me to report his suspicions when only weeks later he received an IRS notice. In another case, my next-door neighbor (who is a big GOP donor) reported being under vicious IRS attack. In another case, my accountant was suddenly audited only months after my first IRS attack. Even my publicist received an IRS audit notice. Are you starting to see a pattern? Are you getting the picture? This is no coincidence. If you believe it is, I’ve got a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. This is mafia-style intimidation. This is an attempt to make Obama’s opponents “sleep with the fishes.” And it should be met with prison terms and RICO statutes."
Posted on: Sun, 09 Jun 2013 15:01:45 +0000

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